Responding to Children with Challenging Behaviors

My Other Hat - Helping Children with Challenging Behaviors

Most kids can “behave” – meet adult expectations for a given activity and environment – most of the time, and don’t need a whole lot of help to do it.Challenging behavior is an ongoing or dramatic discrepancy between our expectations and actual behavior.According to Dr. Ross Greene (author of The Explosive Child):

Conventional View: "Children do well if they want to."

Alternative View: "Children do well if they can..."

and if they can't, it's our job to help them find a way...

My Other Hat will guide you through a new way to look at children with challenging behaviors by providing:

  • "OUCH" – a different way to look at "behaving" and "misbehaving"
  • ways to deal with challenging behavior
  • many links to other helpful web sites.
Clip Art ©2005 by K. Haugen, Eugene, OR
©2005 by K. Haugen • Tech Resources for 4J Schools • Eugene, OR