Responding to Children with Challenging Behaviors

  1. My Other Hat
  2. Introduction
  3. What are you thinking?
  4. Is it a disability?
  5. Look at all it takes
  6. Say OUCH
  7. Observe
  8. Understand
  9. Change
  10. Help
  11. Heartbreak Graph
  12. Strategies
  13. Resources
  14. Download complete article (pdf)

Is it due to a disability?

Challenging behaviors have been associated with several disabilities, including autism, attention-deficit disorder (ADD), hyperactivity, bipolar mood disorder, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and more. However, these labels have many overlapping symptoms. They can never completely describe a whole child, or tell the whole story. Identifying each child’s unique temperament, differences or deficits provides a clearer path to the understanding needed to come up with effective strategies for both child and caregiver.