Responding to Children with Challenging Behaviors

  1. My Other Hat
  2. Introduction
  3. What are you thinking?
  4. Is it a disability?
  5. Look at all it takes
  6. Say OUCH
  7. Observe
  8. Understand
  9. Change
  10. Help
  11. Heartbreak Graph
  12. Strategies
  13. Resources
  14. Download complete article (pdf)

Say “OUCH” to challenging behaviors

O = Observe
U = Understand
C = Change
H = Help

When a child struggles to behave, the priority is on change. Involve the child and family as you consider changes you can make in the environment, schedule, expectations, and possibly the social arrangement (seating, group size, caregivers). Can the child take a break when she gets too excited? Will a picture check list help her move through the day?

Michael’s teacher and parents agree that he could arrive ten minutes before the other children. A quiet time to settle in helped calm his morning tantrums.