Responding to Children with Challenging Behaviors

  1. My Other Hat
  2. Introduction
  3. What are you thinking?
  4. Is it a disability?
  5. Look at all it takes
  6. Say OUCH
  7. Observe
  8. Understand
  9. Change
  10. Help
  11. Heartbreak Graph
  12. Strategies
  13. Resources
  14. Download complete article (pdf)

Resources on Disability & Behavior

Center for Collaborative Problem Solving – “Instead of asking yourself, ‘What’s it going to take to motivate this kid to behave differently?’ ask ‘Why is this so hard for this child? What’s getting in his way? How can I help?’” <www.explosivechild.com>

Center for the Study of Autism – Resources on autism and related disorders. <www.autism.org>

The Gray Center – Learn about Social Stories and other social skills strategies. <www.thegraycenter.org>

Kids’ EQ – Focuses on emotions and how to help children handle their feelings. Click on the faces to learn more about each emotion. <www.kidseq.com>

Michelle Winner's Center for Social Thinking – Michelle and her team specialize in developing further understanding and educational strategies for helping persons with social thinking or social communicative deficits. <www.socialthinking.com>

National Resource Center on AD/HD – Attention deficit & hyperactivity resources. <www.help4adhd.org>

OASIS – Online Asperger Syndrome Information and Support <www.udel.edu/bkirby/asperger>

Parents and Teachers of Explosive Kids – P.T.E.K. is a parent-driven, not-for-profit, organization providing education and support for parents and teachers involved in the care of behaviorally challenging children. <www.explosivekids.org>

Sensory Nation – a comprehensive resource for parents of children with Sensory Integration Dysfunction (SID). <www.sensorynation.com>

Circle of Friends – an approach to enhancing the inclusion, in a mainstream setting, of any young person ( known as ‘the focus child’), who is experiencing difficulties in school because of a disability, personal crisis or because of their challenging behaviour towards others. <www.inclusive-solutions.com/circlesoffriends.asp>