Limericks Spoken!
Page 1 and Index of Names

Page 1
Hidetaka, Alexandra,  
Savanah, CJ,
Alexis, Ashlee, Emmitt
Page 2
Alea, Brian,
Evelyn, Jada
Page 3
Alayna, Sam,
Dylan, Gabe Wi.,
 James, Jordan
Page 4
Kayla, Ally,
 Kobe, Maddie,
  Monica, Nic,
 Ryan E., Ryann B.,
Page 5
Sydney, Taylor Br.,
  Taylor Be.
Page 6
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Page 7
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Page 10
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There once was a boy from Japan
Who karate-chopped like Peter Pan
He could fly in the air
With his very long hair
But then he got hit by a pan


There was was a black-as-night rose

That a princess greatly desired for her pose
She called on a knight
To tell him her plight
But if she got the rose no one knows


There once was a man from Redding

Who went to a great big wedding
On his way back to his house
He stumbled across a mouse
Who started eating the icing (and lettering)


There once was a cunning old hog
Who wanted to own his own bog
So he went to law school
'til he started to drool
Then he turned as sick as a dog


There once was a fat platypus
Whose friends all called him a wuss
He got as flat as a mat
And saw a very cute cat
Then he married the puss


There once was an old man named Bill
Who sat on the top of the hill
It made him insane
When it started to rain
Perhaps he could use a chill pill

My old dog was as pale as death
His beautiful name was Seth
He licked a clock
Smelt a sock
And then went to see MacBeth


There once was a cute little dog
Who loved to sleep like a log
Once he woke up
That cute little pup
He started to jump like a frog


There once was a boy named Tim
(And) he was very slim
He liked to play in pools
But they were haunted by ghouls
Who very much liked to swim


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