Ocean Week
Warmup Activity: Shipwreck
are taught the following commands
Ocean Waves
- Popcorn
- Big
Bang: Put balls in center and lift up the parachute all at the same time.
- Ball
- Housekeeping:
One group throws the balls on while the others try to bounce the balls out
ot the parachute
- Merry
Go Round Skip/Slide/
- Jog- Dead Bugs
- Color
Exchange: Hold chute shoulder high and run underneath to a new spot
- Color
Chase: Call a color and those people run around and back to their spots.
- Mushroom
- Color Exchange
- Rocking
- Circular
Sit-ups: One half does sit up forward, while the other half does the down
position of the situp.
- Dodge
Ball: Students hold up chute with one hand and throw with the other.
- Swooping
Cloud: One half let go of parachute at the same time for a cool effect.
- Parachute
Volleyball Air
Conditioner:Color teams take turns getting fanned by the rest of the class
- Class
sits with legs underneath parachute.
- One
color team will be the lifeguards. They will stay outside of the parachute
and try save students that get pulled under by the sharks.
- Another
team will be the sharks under the parachute. Give each shark a frisbee
to hold above their head under the chute.
- When
someone is pulled under the parachute by the shark, they will exchange
the frisbee to the new shark.
- The
"old shark" will replace the person they pulled under on the
outside of the chute.
Ocean Week Games: