RSS Feeds & Aggregators
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Blogs, Tags and More: Making Sense (and Use) of New Internet Technologies
Start Your Own Blog, Wiki, Podcast, and More
These are some examples of services for blogging, tagging, wikis, feed burners and feed readers, podcasting, photocasting, and other "read / write" internet technologies. Most require that you sign up for a (typically free) account, using an e-mail address and password. Some services charge a fee for "premium" offerings, such as access to special features or an ad-free environment, but most of these will allow a free preview.
Firefox Add-ons | Customizing Google | Interactive Web Tools | More
RSS Feed Creators - use these services and software programs to create feeds to generate from your web site, send by e-mail and more.
RSS Feed Readers - also called aggregators, a feed reader collects RSS and ATOM feeds from the web feeds you choose to subscribe to. Some are web-based, some integrate with your browser, and others are dedicated software applications.
Fabulous Firefox Add-ons - These add-ons extend the capabilities of the free Firefox web browser
- Performancing - essential for bloggers! A pop-up window allows you to instantly post items to your blog(s) and even assign categories. Quick and simple!
- Del.icio.us Toolbar - Tag web sites from within Firefox. This add-on puts buttons on your Firefox toolbar to jump to your Del.icio.us site and to tag any web page you are visiting.
- BlinkList Toolbar -
- Answers - right-click or control+click a word on any web page and get a definition and more <>
Great Google Add-ons - Get a custom Google home page and enhance it with free add-ons such as:
- Calendar - create and maintain a calendar for private or public use. Control who can view and/or edit your calendar. Have Google send reminders to your e-mail or cell phone.
- Page Creator - free and easy-to-create web pages with simple customizing options
- Google Groups - stay in touch with a group of people with similar interests or tasks.
- G-mail (free e-mail), Weather, Bookmarks, To-do Lists, Games and more
Interactive Software - These online tools allow you to conduct meetings, take notes, create spreadsheets, word docs, art and more.
- Moodle - a free 'open-source' course management system for educators who want to create online learning communities http://moodle.org/
- Google Home Page -
- Backpack -
- Basecamp -
- Kaboodle -
More - Other less-categorizable interactive web services to explore