Educational Technology Resources for All Learners

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On the Web

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Web Resources for Student Publications

To learn more about publishing with kids, explore the following web sites. Remember to bookmark this page, or use your browser's back button to return!

  • Do news research on the web:
  • Publish kids' stories on the web:
  • Young Writers Association -
  • - free, private web sites, online tools and restricted e-mail for all the students in your school.
  • News-2-You - weekly symbol-supported news and news resources for emerging and struggling readers, by subscription. News-related symbol resources for student writing. (TRLD 2005 participants can get a trial one week subscription for free!)
  • Original Works - an artwork fund-raiser where kids publish their art on calendars, mugs and more.
  • KidzLog - an easy-to-use weblog for kids from Haranbanjo.

See also: Digital Photography and iPhoto Resources on the web.


Star clip art ©K. Haugen. Newspaper clip art licensed from the Clip Art Gallery on