Educational Technology Resources for All Learners

On the Web

boy at computerClick! Create! Communicate!

Cameras, Comic Life and iPhoto in the Classroom

On the Web

To learn more about using digital photography, Comic Life and iPhoto with kids, explore the following web sites. These links will open in a new browser window. Remember to bookmark this page, or close each new window to return to this page!

To add your own suggestions or links, please visit our Digital Photo Wiki.

top Digital Photography with Kids

top Learn to Use iPhoto

Choose the tutorials that work best for you. Check your version of iPhoto! Run software update to be sure you're using the most current version you can. (Note: you must pay to upgrade from iPhoto 4 to 5, and from 5 to 6)

top Comic Life Resources on the Web

Clip Art ©2005 by K. Haugen, Eugene, OR