Responding to Children with Challenging Behaviors

  1. My Other Hat
  2. Introduction
  3. What are you thinking?
  4. Is it a disability?
  5. Look at all it takes
  6. Say OUCH
  7. Observe
  8. Understand
  9. Change
  10. Help
  11. Heartbreak Graph
  12. Strategies
  13. Resources
  14. Download complete article (pdf)

My Other Hat - Helping Children with Challenging Behaviors

Most kids can “behave” – meet adult expectations for a given activity and environment – most of the time, and don’t need a whole lot of help to do it.Challenging behavior is an ongoing or dramatic discrepancy between our expectations and actual behavior.According to Dr. Ross Greene (author of The Explosive Child):

Conventional View: "Children do well if they want to."

Alternative View: "Children do well if they can..."

and if they can't, it's our job to help them find a way...

My Other Hat will guide you through a new way to look at children with challenging behaviors by providing:

  • "OUCH" – a different way to look at "behaving" and "misbehaving"
  • ways to deal with challenging behavior
  • many links to other helpful web sites.