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On the Web

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Weaving a Community of Learners

Keep it Fresh or Make it Durable

It's very easy to get ambitious in planning a school web site. However, nothing kills a user's experience more than out-of-date content. Make sure as you plan your site, be sure it's maintainable with your availble time, money and skills.

There are two ways to make this work - keep providing fresh content, or make your content durable.

If you have the time, money and skills, fresh is best. Your web visitors will keep coming back for more.

If you're low on time or skills, aim for more durable content. Examples:

Jen has taught at Edison since 2003 is more durable than Jen has taught kindergarten for 2 years.

Edison Update is more flexible than This week at Edison  …and so on!

Above all, remove old content as it becomes out of date. You can always archive it .