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The Edison Writing Anthology
Instructions for Students and Helpers

  1. Go to your Room Folder. Then open the folder called “Anthology Rm __” Find the document with your name and open it.
  2. Double-click TITLE and type your Title. Use capital letters, as needed.
  3. Double-click NAME and type your First Name and Last Initial
    example: Jamie P.
  4. Add your grade and room number.
  5. Do a “quick save” by typing [command] + S (command is the apple key) at the same time.
  6. Type your writing piece. (Or cut and paste your writing from another document.) Do another “quick save.”
  7. Read over your writing. Remember, it’s important to do your best work, so check your spelling and make sure your words make sense.
  8. Think about the space you need to illustrate your work. (You’ll draw your illustration by hand later, but be sure to leave room for it.)
    1. If you want your picture above your writing, insert some spaces, but don’t let your writing go onto the next page!
    2. If you want your picture below your writing, just go to the next step...
  9. Highlight your writing and choose a font and font size that keeps your work on one page and leaves enough room for your picture, but don’t choose any font smaller than 12 point. Do not use color, because the anthology will be printed in black and white only.
  10. You do NOT need to print your work. Please save paper! We’ll print your work so you can add your artwork.
  11. Parent Helpers: When you edit a child’s work, try to do it with them so you can clarify what they mean and keep their voice. Correct spelling errors, but be careful about grammar. If you are unsure of what kinds of errors to correct, get a general idea from the teacher, or find a time to ask the student.