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Edison's Anthology Timeline, 2005

March 11: All students have selected a completed writing piece

March 14-18: Parents volunteers and 4th-5th grade students type the selected works into individual templates in class folders on the server. Each piece must have: Title, author (first name last initial), grade and room number, as well as the written work.

March 21-25: Anthology team proofreads all pieces.

March 29-April 1: Illustrations (optional) will be added to hard copies of the typed work. They should be done in pencil and then outlined in black pens provided by the anthology group. Helpers may assist with outlining artwork.

April 4-7: Tie up loose ends so all pieces, including illustrations are printed.

April 11-15: Anthology team puts together a title page, table of contents and index, along with additional artwork submitted by interested students.

April 15: Our creation goes to the printers!

Week of May 2: Anthology arrives, ready for distribution.