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Leveraging Diverse Learning Styles and Abilities

In a Newspaper Project, students work both individually and with others as they brainstorm, plan, research, interview, take notes, write, draw, photograph, edit, design, print and distribute a newspaper. The diverse activities allow students to work with their strengths, or to pair up with another student who has complimentary strengths. For instance, a student who has trouble sitting still, listening or writing may make a fantastic interviewer or photographer, while a more timid but very organized student becomes the note-taker. Logical mathematical thinkers can pair up with visual learners to plan the layout. In many cases, it takes effort for students with different thinking styles to work together, but the project requires these differences and students often seem to almost sense that, along with the satisfaction of completing the project.

In an Anthology Project, all students are involved. Diverse writing projects and supports are used. Some students write poetry, while others venture into expository, persuasive or comparative writing. Some students make use of electronic writing templates, graphic organizers, talking word processors, spell checkers, and/or peer or adult writing partners. Some schools have paired each child up with a senior citizen to share stories and get