Science Ms.
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Welcome to 7th Grade Life Science! I am looking
forward to working with you this year.
Extensions Link--See this for online magazines, ideas including building a birdhouse, and forms including the media review and observation form.
Third Trimester Due Dates: Extension #1 will be due Friday April 24th, Extension #2 will be due Friday May 15th, Extension #3 will be due Friday June 5th.
Link to 4j Auth directions
Week of 6/8--Students should check their grade and see me if they have any questions.
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- Finish Vertebrate Chart on page 2 of frog packet--careful, they're not in order!
- Respiratory System in Amphibians--read background and then scroll down to Explore II to watch 31/2 minute video on amphibian respiratory system and jot down notes comparing to human on page 8 in the frog packet. You may need to watch it twice--once all the way through and the second time to take notes as you go.
- Writing Prompt for Compare and Contrast
- Circulatory System Comparison Link
Tues |
Frogs in the ecosystem:
Digestive System of Frogs |
Wed |
Thur |
Fri |
Week of 6/1--Extension #3 is due Friday June 5th
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- Link to cK12 Vertebrate Section 10.2 or use iBook (Hummingbird)
- Get ready for Frogs!
Tues |
Wed |
- Digestive and Respiratory Systems
Thur |
Fri |
Week of 5/25--Extension #3 is due Friday June 5th
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- L12 and L12Y should be done--I will grade L12, L12Y, L13 and L14 over the weekend.
Tues |
- L13 Calories from Food
- Label Link
Wed |
- Wrap up L13
- Introduction to the circulatory system--pumps, reading, and heart diagram
Thur |
Fri |
Week of 5/18--Quiz on Tuesday, Lessons 10, 11, 12--students received a green review packet on Friday and will have time to work on in class on Monday.
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- Complete green review packet
- Write a "RAFT" about cell respiration/combustion
- Here is a cool overview of cell respiration
- Marathon video link. What body systems are involved in training for and running a marathon? If you'd like to do an extension--fill out the white worksheet as you watch.
- Study for the quiz tomorrow--resources include green review packet and Lessons 10, 11, 12 in science notebook.
Tues |
Wed |
Thur |
Fri |
Week of 5/11--High Elevation Postcards should be done and turned in: )
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- Analyze Exhaled Air vs Height Data
- Start Lesson 12 Oxidation: Combustion and Cell Respiration
- Observc Candles
Tues |
- Extension due Friday
- Lessons 10 and 11 should be done
Wed |
- Diffusion Demo Observation Template
- Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting combustion and cell respiration
Thur |
- Look at chemical equations
Fri |
Week of 5/4
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- Wrap up Lesson 10
- Start Postcard Assignment
- PDF directions for postcard
Tues |
Wed |
- Bill Nye Video
- Finish postcards
- Postcards should be done
- Lesson 10 should be done
Thur |
- Start L11 How much air can lungs hold
- Postcards should be done
- Lesson 10 should be done
Fri |
- Conduct Balloon Investigation about volume of lungs
- Postcards should be done
- Lesson 10 should be done
Week of 4/27
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- Lesson 10 Introduction to Breathing Models
- Great diagrams of respiratory system with more detail than we need, but very cool to look at!
- Diagram of Bell Jar Model to open in Notability
- Did you turn an extension in last Friday?
- Any missing work, all lessons through lesson 7 are graded.
Tues |
- Lesson 10 Syringe Model of Breathing
Wed |
- Wrap up Lesson 10
- Brief Introduction to Respiratory Issues at Altitude
Thur |
- Video (Deadly Ascent)--Ms. Ruzicka out of building at a scienc workshop
Fri |
- No School Progress Reports
Week of 4/20--Quiz on Thursday 4/23 (moved to Friday!) Small Intestine, Accessory Organs, and Large Intestine. Extension due Friday.
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- Lesson 6: Read pages in HBS about diffusion and active transport. Watch several animations to develop a mental model.
- Lesson 7: Use "tickets" to model the inner service of the small intestine.
- Extension due Friday 4/24
Tues |
- Surface area stations
- Read about structure and function of the large intestine
Wed |
Thur |
- Organ Advertisement
- Introduction to Breathing Models (postponed until Monday)
Fri |
- Quiz--postponed from Thursday
Week of 4/13
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- Review Lessons 4 and 5 for quiz
- Study 4 Squares on pages 4-4 (Mouth) and 5-4 (Stomach)
- Study Summary boxes on page 4-6
- Understand how to test for sugar and starch
Tues |
- Quiz on Mouth and Stomach
- Trace accessory organs (Pancreas, Gall Bladder, Liver) on SN page 5-5
- Extension due on Friday April 24th
- Lessons 4 and 5 should be done
Wed |
- Read pages 48-49 and complete #3 on SN 6-2 and the table on the top of SN 6-3
- Extension due on Friday April 24th
Thur |
- Diffusion and Active Transport
- Read pages 46-47 and complete SN 6-1 and 6-2
- Extension due on Friday April 24th
Fri |
- Complete VENN diagram on SN 6-3
- Model inside of the small intestine with tickets SN 7-1
- Extension due on Friday April 24th
- Lesson 6 should be done
Week of 4/6
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- Analyze results for Sugar and Starch tests with Amylase/Starch from Friday on SN 4-1
- Answer questions 4 and 5 on SN 4-2
- Build a Lego Model of Starch Digestion on page 4-3
Tues |
- Read Page 29 Making it Simple
- View animations of starch digestion and digestion in the mouth
- Read pages 30-31 and answer #6 on page 4-2
- Start 4 Square
- Set up Lesson 5 Protein Digestion in Stomach
- Finish 4 Square on --due Thursday
Wed |
- Analzye Results from Lab 5 on SN 5-1
- Read Chance of a Lifetime on page 37 and answer questions on SN 5-3
Thur |
- Read pages 38-39 and answer questions on SN 5-2
- Do 4 square for Stomach on SN 5-4
Fri |
- Lesson 5 should be done--leave SN
Week of 3/30
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- Bill Nye Video Digestive System
- Pre-lab for Lesson 3--Testing Foods for Sugar and Starch
Tues |
- Do Lab 3! Record results on SN 3-1
Wed |
- Analyze Results from Lab 3
- Start Nutrition Reading--SN 3-3
- Finish Nutrition Reading--due Friday
- Lesson 3 should be done
Thur |
- Link for Entry Write
- Lesson 4 Digestion in the Mouth--Do lab and record results on SN 4-1
- Finish Nutrition Reading--due Friday
- Lesson 3 should be done
Fri |
- Analyze Results from Digestion in Mouth lab
Week of 3/16--We will be getting new Science Notebooks for our final unit, Human Body Systems, on Wednesday. Until then, students will be doing their work on notebook paper. We will be requiring three Extension activities during the final trimester, students may work on these over the break; there will not be any other homework.
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- Start Human Body Systems unit with Lesson 1
- Pre-assessment with poster project
Tues |
- Explore Systems: Draw and label the parts of a system and describe how they interact
- Reading: Humans the Problem Solving Creature with C-Notes, guidelines
- Cornell Notes and Systems mini poster
Wed |
- Finish C-Notes, summary is homework
- Overview of Cell, Tissues, and Organs in CK12 book.
- Check out this link about a Human Hairball!
- Check out the camera that was used for eye testing today!
- Lesson 2 Introduction to the Human Digestive System with a real length model (move to Thursday)
Thur |
- Model path of food through the digetstive system
Fri |
- Odds and Ends--periods are short only 33 minutes.
- Lesson 2 should be complete in the SN
Week of 3/9--We will be doing a mini unit on vaccinations this week!
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- Introduction--background on immune system and vaccinations
Tues |
Wed |
- Survey and Reflection
- Go to this link to take the survey:
On the back of your packet number from 1-5. AFTER you take the survey compare how you responded to how the nation is responded for each of the five questions:
- Balance risks and benefits
- Disease rare--avoid vaccinations
- Some adverse reactions/get vaccinated
- Feel about schools requiring vaccines
- Parents should have sole decision-making about immunizing their children
Thur |
Fri |
- No School Staff Development
Week of 3/2
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- Extension #3 is due Friday
- Quiz Friday on Evolution
Tues |
- Video about Tuberculosis and antibiotic resistance
- Link to CK12 section to define on page 2 of packet: variation, adaptation and natural selection
- Selective Breeding--NOVA video about dogs
- Quiz Friday on Evolution--you can start studying vocabulary on pages 2 and 5 in packet.
Wed |
- Develop a model of either Natural Selection or Selective Breeding
- Cladogram Video Review--Common Ancestor
Thur |
Fri |
- Post--Assessment on Evolution
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
Tues |
- Analzye simulation results
- Moth and Tree Trunk Simulation--start graph
Wed |
- Complete double bar graph for math and tree trunk
- Link to Bill Nye Video
Thur |
- Darwin's four ideas
- Mighty Moth Man Article
- Peppered Moth Video
Fri |
Week of 2/16
Classwork |
Homework |
Tues |
Evidence for Evolution page 18 in packet:
Homologus Seat D: Article and Video
Vestigial Seats B/C: Article and Video
Embryology Seat A: Article (skip to Embryos) and Video |
- Extension # 3 is due Friday March 6
- Any missing work in packet
Wed |
- Common Ancestor Module
- Molecular Evidence for Evolution pages 19-21
Thur |
- Molecular Evidence for Evolution pages 19-21
Fri |
- Introduction to Charles Darwin Video
- Charles Darwin page 22 and 23
Week of 2/9--Students will be doing class work in a yellow packet for the next several weeks.
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- Fossil Acivity connecting claims about fossils to evidence using argumentation
- Bill Nye video fossils
- Claim 1 Photo
- None if all of your genetics activities were complete and turned in on Friday 2/5/15
- Extension #3 is due Friday March 6
Tues |
- Fossil Acivity continues
- Claim 2 Photo
Wed |
- Geologic Time Scale Activity
Thur |
Fri |
- Online module from UC Berkeley--Fossil Record
- Extra time? Try this module about Life Has a History
Week of 2/2
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- Patterns of Inheritance: Dominant/Recessive, Incomplete Dominance, Co-dominance, Sex-linked
- Extension #2 due Friday
- Genetics Quiz Friday
- Clyde/Claire/Offspring due Wednesday
Tues |
- Bill Nye Video and work time for Clyde/Claire (note: 3rd period will not have class because they will be at Selma, the only make up work is to finish Clyde/Claire)
- Extension #2 due Friday
- Genetics Quiz Friday
- Clyde/Claire/Offspring due Wednesday
Wed |
- Start Review: Word Pairs and Pages 11-13 in Genetics Packet
- Extension #2 due Friday
- Genetics Quiz Friday
Thur |
- Punnett Square Review Stations and other review activites
- Extension #2 due Friday
- Genetics Quiz Friday
Fri |
- None, have a great weekend!
Week of 1/26
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
Continue with Genetics:
- Look at WFP sprouts and process purple:green ratio
- Read about meiosis--and compare mitosis to meiosis
- Observe our own traits
- Extension #2 is due Friday February 6
- Any make up work or test retakes--please take care of this week.
Tues |
Discuss Meiosis
- cartoon watch 1st half
- video watch all
- Define: homozygous, heterozygous, genotype and phenotype
- Comeplete crosses
- Spin for Clyde and Claire traits
Wed |
- Draw and label Clyde/Claire
Thur |
- Do Clyde and Claire crosses to find offspring genotype and phenotype
Fri |
- No school Staff Development
Week of 1/19
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
Tues |
- Harvest WFP seeds and set up germination
Wed |
- Introduction to Genetics
- Mendel Reading
Thur |
Fri |
- No School 6 week progress reports
Week of 1/12
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- Predator/Prey Golden Eagles Video
- Extension #2 is due February 6th
Tues |
- Competition--Video Wolves and Grizzly Bears
- Competition--Mice and Humans
- Quiz Friday--Ecology, basically Lesson 12
Wed |
- Quiz Friday--Ecology, basically Lesson 12
Thur |
- Review and Website Comments
- Food Chain Food Web Review PDF
- Quiz Friday--Ecology, basically Lesson 12
Fri |
Week of 1/5--Welcome Back!
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- L12 Frond Math
- Food Chains and Food Webs OMM page 155 and SN 12-5
- Vocabulary on SN 12-6 using CK12 book
- Extension was due the Friday before break
- Extension #2 is due Thursday January 29th
- Any make up work from L6, L9, L10, L11, L16, L17
Tues |
- L12 continues with Food Chain Cards (SN 12-10) and Succession (SN 12-4)
- Bog Succesion slide show--doesn't work on iPad
- Succesion video--primary and secondary from the University of Montana
- Any make up work from L6, L9, L10, L11, L16, L17
Wed |
- Any make up work from L6, L9, L10, L11, L16, L17
Thur |
- Analyze Predatory Prey data on SN 12-14
- Video Wolf and Pitcher Plants in Vermont SN 12-7
- Any make up work from L6, L9, L10, L11, L16, L17
Fri |
- Analyze a competition relationship SN 12-9
- Any make up work from L6, L9, L10, L11, L16, L17
Week of 12/15
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- L10 Banana Transpiration SN page 10-7
- Photosynthesis reading page 131 and fill out SN 10-6
- Extension #1 due Friday
- Quiz on L10 Thursday--Transpiration/Photosynthesis
Tues |
- 4 square on page 10-9
- Page 10-10 transpiration and photosynthesis
- Write a conclusion for boxes 1 and 2 using Line of Best fit for plants in the DARK--use space on SN page 10-8
- Extension #1 due Friday
- Quiz on L10 Thursday--Transpiration/Photosynthesis
Wed |
- Review photosynthesis and transpiration
- Cool video with too much detail, just watch intro and summary
- Extension #1 due Friday
- Quiz on L10 tomorrow--Transpiration/Photosynthesis
Thur |
- Quiz on photosynthesis and respiration
- Draw Ponds and and count fronds
Fri |
- Ecosystems Vocabulary SN page 12-6
- None--have a wonderful winter break!
Week of 12/8
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- Extension #1 due Friday 12/19
- Friday: Flower Part--Structure and Function--quiz
- Sticky Note Story should be done--due Friday
Tues |
- Analyze Transpiration Data
- Set up Round 2 of Transpiration Experiment
- Extension #1 due Friday 12/19
- Friday: Flower Part--Structure and Function--quiz
- Sticky Note Story should be done--due Friday
Wed |
- Analyze Round 2 Data
- Observe stomata on leaves
- Observe Celery
- Extension #1 due Friday 12/19
- Friday: Flower Part--Structure and Function--quiz
- Sticky Note Story should be done--due Friday
Thur |
- Cornell Notes on leaf reading
- What happens to the wather? Transpiration
- Overview--WatchKnowLearn
- Animation--stomates open and closing--look at both side and top views (flash)
- Tall Trees--David Attenborough
- Survival Skill--using transpiration to get water!
- Extension--cool experiment, only one minute
- Extension #1 due Friday 12/19
- Friday: Flower Part--Structure and Function--quiz
- Sticky Note Story should be done--due Friday
Fri |
- Flower Part Quiz
- Discuss Photosynthesis
- Xylem and Phloem--great diagram to match our book, stop watching at around 3 minutes!
- Xylem and Phloem Annimation--a few big words, but cool animation
- Extension #1 due Friday 12/19
Week of 12/1
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- No School for students--teacher professional development day.
Tues |
- Observe flowering Wisconsin Fast Plants (L7)
- Observe adult Cabbage White Butterflies (L6)
- Complete Venn Diagram on SN page 6-5 (moved to Wednesday)
- Extension #1 due Friday December 21st
Wed |
- Quick review of CWB life cycle video
- Complete Venn Diagram on SN page 6-5 comparing WFP to CWB
- Lesson 9: SN page 9-1, Reading and Concept Map
- Extension #1 due Friday December 21st
Thur |
- Lesson 9: SN page 9-2, Flower Dissection
- Extension #1 due Friday December 21st
Fri |
- Lesson 9 continues
- Bill Nye Flower video, page 9-6
- Pollen grains from Powerpoint
- Extension #1 due Friday December 21st
- Pages 9-1, 9-2, top of 9-4 and 9-6 in Lesson 9 should be done
Week of 11/24
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- L11: Observe Live Protists
- Watch the short videos for the following four protists: Amoeba, Euglena, Paramecium, Volvox BEFORE observing the live samples.
- None--all work should be in, I will grade L5 and L8 tonight before I go home.
Tues |
- L11: Observe Prepared slides of Protists
Wed |
- No School Trimester Grading Day
Thur |
Fri |
Week of 11/17
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- L5 Finish Plant Life Cycle Drawings--Corn, Bean, Wisconsin Fast Plant (2 stages only)
- Observe Larva
- Extension #3 is due Friday 11/21
- Plant Structure Quiz Friday
Tues |
- Graph larva length data
- L5 Read about nutrient solution
If there is time left you can use the following resources and your drawings to complete the Venn diagram on SN page 5-4
- You Tube video explaining monocots and dicots
- Diagram comparing monocots and dicots
- Corn (monocot) compare to Bean (dicot) diagram
- Extension #3 is due Friday 11/21--Here is a cool short article with a video about a disease affecting sea stars on the Oregon Coast. Get a blue media review form and check it out!
- Plant Structure Quiz Friday
Wed |
- L16 and L17 Prepare for live materials arrival by observing prepared slides
- Extension #3 is due Friday 11/21
- Plant Structure Quiz Friday
Thur |
- L16 and L17 Observe Live Daphnia and Hydra
- Extension #3 is due Friday 11/21
- Plant Structure Quiz Friday
Fri |
- Plant Structure Quiz
- Introduction to Protists L11
Week of 11/10
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- No School Parent Conferences
Tues |
Wed |
- Busy Day: Measure Larva, Thin Fast Plants, Take Picture of outside plant
- Get cell/cell division quiz back--students have information about retakes
- Extension #3 is due Friday 11/21
Thur |
- L5 Observe Corn and Bean seeds and seedlings
- Extension #3 is due Friday 11/21
Fri |
- Cell Quiz Retakes
- If you don't need to retake quiz go to this link, choose an article(s) to check out for fun. If you choose a life science article you could start a media review if you like. Otherwise, just read and remember a couple of interesting things to share.
- Bill Nye the Science Guy Video
- Extension #3 is due Friday 11/21
Week of 11/3--Grades are updated!
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- L8 Cell Reproduction
- Lesson 8 Reading
- Cell Color Sheet--due Friday
- Cell Quiz Friday
- Extension #2 if not done
- Start Cornell Notes
Tues |
- Continue L8 Cell Reproduction
- Use iPad app for animation: CPO glossary, mitosis
- Cell Color Sheet--due Friday
- Cell Quiz Friday
Wed |
- Wrap up L8
- Read about nutrient solution in preparation for planting tomorrow
- Cell Color Sheet--due Friday
- Cell Quiz Friday
Thur |
- Plant Wisconsin Fast Plants
- Review for Quiz
- Cell Color Sheet--due Friday
- Cell Quiz Friday
Fri |
- None--enjoy your LONG weekend!
Week of 10/27
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- Continue L7:
- Elodea in salt images over time--how does this resemble what we saw under the microscope?
- Elodea in salt animation--how does this EXPLAIN what we saw under the microscope? What direction is the water moving?
- Assignment: Eldoea and water movement, Reading and diagrams in Notability
- Extension #2 is due Friday 10/31
Tues |
- Extension #2 is due Friday 10/31
Wed |
- Structure and Function of Mammal specialized cells.
- Extension #2 is due Friday 10/31
Thur |
- Start L6 Cabbage White Butterfly life cycle, observe egg
- Odds and ends in L7--should be done
- Reading about Origin of Eukaryotic Cells
- Extension #2 is due Friday 10/31
- L7 Should be done
- Osmosis diagrams in Notability should be done
Fri |
- Cell Color and Review--I will grade osmosis diagrams during this work time.
- None, leave SN for grading
Week of 10/20--we will be working on Lesson 7 about cells all week
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- Start cell vocabulary on SN page 7-7
- Observe spirogyra cells under the microscope
- Extension #2 due October 31
Tues |
- Extension #2 due October 31
Wed |
- Reading in Ck-12 book on iPad about cell history, complete Cornell Notes on pages c3-c4. Essential question: What is the role of a cell in a living organism?
- Extension #2 due October 31
Thur |
- Extension #2 due October 31
Fri |
- Observe Elodea in fresh and salt water video
- Finish Elodea activity.
- Edmodo Quiz on cells open note and SN
- Extension #2 due October 31
Week of 10/13
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- Analyze Lumbriculus pulse data with a stem and leaf diagram, start 4-square conclusion.
Tues |
Wed |
Thur |
Fri |
Week of 9/29
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- Finsish extension by Friday, ask for a paper copy Tuesday if you need one.
Tues |
- L2: Observing WOWBug on prepared slides and alive
Wed |
- Introduce Cornell Notes: History of Microscopes
Thur |
Fri |
Week of 9/22
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- Odds and ends for Lesson 1
- Lesson 1 should be done--due FRIDAY
Tues |
Introduction to using a microscope. Using textbook pages 13 and 14 and videos SN 2-3 should be done.
Wed |
- Letter "e" lab SN page 2-1 and 2-2
- SN 2-1 and 2-2 if not done
Thur |
- Observing the WOW bug under the microscope SN page 2-6
Fri |
Week of 9/15--We have transitioned to our "Organisms Macro to Micro" unit and students will be doing most of their work in the "Science Notebook." Although a student can take their science notebook home This will remain at school unless a student has homework.
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- Lesson 1What are Organisms? SN 1-1 Getting Started 1 and 2
Tues |
- Lesson 1What are Organisms? SN 1-2 Rules for creating scientific names and SN 1-4 all.
Wed |
- What are the characteristics of living things? SN 1-3, all
Thur |
Discuss Characteristics of Living Things
Taxonomy and Classification SN 1-2 and 1-5 Five Kingdom Reading
- SN 1-2 should be done, Chart on 1-5 should be at least half done
Fri |
Use iPads for Kingdom comparisons on SN 1-6
Week of 9/8
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- Parent Letter
- Outside to observe plant/trees
- Parent letter due Thursday 9/11/14
Tues |
- Mystery Object Observation
- Parent letter due Thursday 9/11/14
Wed |
- Analyze Object Observations
- Parent letter due Thursday 9/11/14
Thur |
- Read about Mystery Objects
Fri |
- Wrap up Observation and Inferences
Week of 9/1--I will try to update the
web page at the beginning of the week, but will make changes daily as needed.
Information about the class can be found in the parent
letter that we will go over with
students on Monday, September 8th.
Classwork |
Homework |
Mon |
- No School Labor Day Holiday
Tues |
- No School Teacher Work Day, 7th and 8th graders pick up schedules
Watermelon Social 6:30 |
Wed |
Thur |
- Leaf Activity--Using Observations and Inferences
- Interview a Parnter
Fri |
- Adopt a Plant--outside activity
to resources for extensions