Lesson 2 Activity 2

Activity 2: This activity will lead you through an investigation of some of the species of salmon native to the Pacific Northwest. Your task is to research 3 different native salmon species and report back (using the text box below) the following information on each of the 3 different species. Use complete sentences in your response:

  • Common and scientific names
  • Physical description (size, weight, color, shape, etc.)
  • Description of their freshwater and marine habitats (their ideal surroundings) and range (migration routes)
  • What do they eat and what eats them (their place in the food web)?
  • Abundance
  • Special habitat requirements (example: chinook are most commonly found in large, cold streams, with cobble sized gravel)


Helpful Links: (additional information can be found in room C-8)

Meet the Pacific Salmon

Where do Salmon Go?

Stream Net

Salmon Facts



Email Address




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