Tryout Information


Dance Team's Winter season consists of one large team (approximately 35 members). Members will compete in OSAA sanctioned Dance/Drill Competitions and perform at the halftime of home basketball games.

INFORMATION: Wednesday, November 4th at 5:00 PM in the Cafeteria (for Winter Sports Information Night)

TRYOUTS:    November 9th (Monday), 10th (Tuesday) 12th (Thursday) and 13th (Friday)

2009 TEAMS: Pick up your personal letter 30 min. after tryouts on Friday the 13th.

PARENT/DANCER MEETING: Monday, November 16th 6:00 pm. in the Sheldon Cafeteria for those who make the team.

Dress code:

  1. Black or dark, form-fitting pants and top (please no revealing clothes)
  2. Dance shoes or sneakers
  3. Hair must be pulled back away from the face and light make-up is encouraged
  4. Please, no labels on your clothes (this includes previous Sheldon Dance Team attire)
  5. Come looking professional and prepared.  Please do not purchase anything new just for tryouts.  See the coach with any questions or concerns.


  1. The application form must be completed and signed by both the candidate and the parent by November 13th.
  2. The candidate must be in good health to attend the audition and participate.  Please see the coach with any questions or concerns.

The tryout will consist of the following:

  1. Tryout dance to be performed in small groups
  2. Technical elements: kicks, leaps, turns, flexibility, etc.
  3. Application and teacher evaluations
  4. Attitude, appearance, and character will be considered during the audition.
  5. Growth, commitment, and potential will be considered for returning members.




Dance Team's Fall season consists of one large team (approximately 35 members). Members must demonstrate skills required to be chosen for each performance/competition routine. Styles include, but are not limited to, the following: Parade, Kick, Hip Hop (JV and Varsity), Jazz (freshman, JV, and Varsity), Lyrical, Novelty, and Guy/Girl

INFORMATION: Thursday, April 23th at lunch in the lecture hall

PRE-TRYOUT CLINIC: Saturday, May 2nd, 9:00 – noon in the Dance Room

TRYOUTS:    (Four days) May 4th, 5th, 6th, & 7th from 4:00 - 6:30 in the Gym

2009 TEAMS: Pick up your personal letter after school in the cafeteria on Friday, May 8th

PARENT/DANCER MEETING: Tuesday, May 12th from 6:00 - 8:30 P.M. in the Sheldon Lecture Hall for those who make a team.

Please attach a small picture of yourself to your application if you were not on the team for the 2009 Winter season. (It will not be returned to you.)

Dress code:

  1. Black or dark, form-fitting pants and top (please no revealing clothes)
  2. Dance shoes or sneakers
  3. Hair must be pulled back away from the face and light make-up is encouraged
  4. Please, no labels on your clothes (this includes previous Sheldon Dance Team attire)
  5. Come looking professional and prepared.  Please do not purchase anything new just for tryouts.  See the coach with any questions or concerns.


  1. The application form must be completed and signed by both the candidate and the parent by May 7th.
  2. The candidate must be in good health to attend the audition and participate.  Please see the coach with any questions or concerns.

The tryout will consist of the following:

  1. Tryout dance to be performed in small groups
  2. Technical elements: kicks, leaps, turns, flexibility, etc.
  3. Application and teacher evaluations
  4. Attitude, appearance, and character will be considered during the audition.
  5. Growth, commitment, and potential will be considered for returning members.


  1. There will be a mandatory parent/dancer meeting on Tuesday, May 12th from 6:00 – 8:30 P.M. in the Sheldon Lecture Hall
  2. Tryouts are closed to spectators.