Sheldon Dance Team Constitution, Strike Rules, and Contract
Sheldon High School 2009– 2010
Dance Team Constitution
This Constitution has been written and adopted for the Sheldon High School Dance Team.
The team and its Constitution are governed by Sheldon High School and the Coach.
I. Organization
- The purpose of the team is to:
- Develop dance skill
- Promote interest in school activities, perform at school games and compete.
- Develop responsibility, teach self-respect, encourage honest effort, strive for perfection and develop character.
- Teach teamwork and pride in a quality performance as a student and an athlete through maintaining and enforcing high standards.
- The Coach is hired by Sheldon High School.
- The Coach will be responsible for the daily running and activities. The coach makes decisions based on what is best for the team – not what is best for just one individual dancer.
- The Coach will be responsible for administering disciplinary procedures. This will be administered according to the Sheldon High School guidelines and at the coach’s discretion as she sees fit.
- The Coach may place certain restrictions on team members at her discretion.
II. Eligibility
- Each member must maintain at least a 2.5 grade point average.
- Term, semester, and cumulative GPAs will be taken into account, and the best GPA will be recognized.
- Each member must be enrolled in three classes each term (1.5 credits) AND be passing them.
- Regardless of GPA, no failing grades are allowed in any class. (D, F, I and N/P constitute a failing grade)
- If a member falls below this GPA or class schedule requirement, he/she must prove via written report that grades have been raised or his/her schedule meets the requirement as soon as possible.
- The dancer will be benched until this has been proven.
- The dancer will be dismissed from the team upon the third occurrence of being benched for grades, GPA, and/or class schedule requirements.
- Each team member must follow the Sheldon High School Student Handbook at all times. Any non-compliance with school rules may result in dismissal from the team.
- Each member must fill out and submit all required Sheldon High School athletic eligibility forms which include the following:
- A current physical (on file at Sheldon high school)
- An athletic and Rally training form
- An annual Interval History Form
- Medical Insurance
- These forms will be distributed upon acceptance as a member of the Sheldon High School Dance Team. They are due on or before May 12th.
- Each dancer must also pay their pay to play fees:
- $80.00 for students who live inside of the Sheldon district
- $100.00 for students who live outside of the Sheldon district
- $22.00 for an ASB sticker
- Each member must submit a completed Application form on or before the final day of tryouts.
III. Dancer Expectations and Strikes
Sheldon High School dancers will be expected to maintain the following:
- Team members should be leaders within the school and set a good example at all times.
- All team members must understand and agree to follow through with the “12-inch rule.” The “12-inch rule” requires all dancers to be at least 12 inches away from other people during any dance team function. This includes hand holding, hugging, kissing, etc. with team members, friends, boyfriends and/or girlfriends. (This excludes hugs from Parents.)
- Team members should be above reproach maintaining good personal appearance and habits that cannot be criticized.
- Smoking, drinking and/or drug use are grounds for suspension or dismissal by the Coach; and furthermore, will result in action by the school administration.
- Each member must abide by the standards set by Sheldon High School.
- Each member must put forth his/her best effort and attitude at all practices, performances, fundraisers and competitions. No team member is exempt from clean-up, team enthusiasm, or team participation.
- Do not criticize other teams; look for something positive in everything you watch
- Each member must be respectful to the Coach, team leaders, administration, school faculty, parents, student body, members of other teams, members of other schools, and he/she must be a credit to the school.
- Each member must be aware that his/her individual choices reflect how the community, parents, school, administration, school faculty, and students view the team. Poor choices will receive any penalty the coach deems appropriate and, at the least, will be frowned upon.
- Each team member must keep the lines of communication open between the coach, team leaders, and team members when it comes to decision-making and/or concerns.
- Each team member must be aware that if the coach has to speak with him/her or reprimand him/her for inappropriate behavior, including poor attitude, disrespect, etc. more than three times, that team member will be dismissed from the team.
- Three strikes, and you are dismissed from the team.
- The coach will determine which action to take each time she determines that disciplinary action is necessary. We are a highly disciplined team, and a lot is expected from each dancer. If for any reason you do not agree with the measures the coach takes, you should reconsider having your child participate.
- All disciplinary action is at the coach’s discretion.
IV. Performances and Competitions
- Team members will be placed on Fall category competition routines.
- Team members must demonstrate accurate memory of the routine and ability to execute said routine with minimal mistakes.
V. Varsity and Junior Varsity will be chosen at the December Tryout
1. The Varsity team will be the main competition squad for the 2010 season.
- The Coach, through any or all of the following means, will determine the varsity team: review of dancer ability, application, tryout, team member attitude, work ethic, and loyalty.
- A dancer can be removed from Varsity by the Coach for any reason.
- The varsity squad may compete at a Nationals competition in December or March.
- The Junior Varsity squad will practice during the winter season and perform at home basketball games. In addition, they will learn a competition styled routine, which they will exhibition at two local competitions.
VI. Team Leaders
- Team leaders will be chosen through an application process.
- Assignments of team leaders will be determined by those chosen and the Coach.
- The Coach has the full authority to remove a captain from his/her leadership role if he/she is not meeting the demands of the captain role or in the event that he/she becomes ineligible due to attendance, grades, or other eligibility requirements.
VII. Attendance
All students who participate in school activities must be in regular full-day attendance the day the activity is scheduled. (Full day attendance is determined by Sheldon High School administration.)
1. If a member is ill and misses any dance team activity, she/he must be at home or seeking medical appointments.
- A team member may be pulled from or replaced by another member for a performance or competition if he/she misses too many practices.
- All members must attend each activity in its entirety.
- Work is not considered an excuse for missing any activity.
- An unexcused absence may result in suspension from an upcoming performance or event.
- Three unexcused absences may result in dismissal from the team.
- Three unexcused tardies result in one unexcused absence.
- Each dancer has five minutes after practice has begun before they are considered tardy.
- Please contact the coach immediately upon knowledge of a future missed practice, performance, fundraiser, competition, etc.
- There are only two ways to inform the coach of a pre-arranged tardy or absence.
- Call the head coach
- Email the head coach
- The coach may excuse a tardy or absence at her own discretion.
VIII. Uniform
Each member is responsible for the purchase and maintenance of all team wear.
- Each member is expected to provide practice uniforms.
- Practice uniforms consist of clothing that is non-restricting and form-fitting. Athletic wear/dance wear must be worn at each practice. This is not a fashion show! Jewelry must be kept to a minimum and removed upon the coach’s request.
- Dance shoes and athletic shoes without tread are required.
2. Any serious hardships concerning appropriate practice gear should be discussed with the Coach.
- Each dancer will purchase performance uniforms, warm-ups, camp/fundraiser uniforms, and competition uniforms. Thus, these items will be the property of the team member who earns and/or pays the money to purchase them.
- Each dancer will participate in team fundraisers, which may be used to purchase team uniforms. Thus, these uniforms will remain the property of the team.
- Any team member that does not return an item in the condition it was given or better, will be responsible for the replacement of that item.
- A team member will replace, at his/her own expense, all lost, or damaged parts of uniforms or props that they wear, use, or are responsible for.
- Each member will be required to maintain good condition and cleanliness of her/his uniform on a weekly basis. Please follow all instruction regarding proper care of uniforms. When in doubt - hand wash in cold water and hang to dry.
- All team gear items are for team members only and must not be shared or loaned.
- Hair color and style, piercings and other aspects of personal appearance will be viewed as part of the performance uniform.
- Any visible tattoos and piercings must be covered or removed for any dance team activity.
- Each member must maintain a natural color of hair for all dance team activities. (blond, brown, black, red, etc.)
- Each member must wear what is decided upon by the coach to all Dance team activities when and how it is decided and expected.
- If a dancer is dismissed from the team or quits the team after any item as already been ordered, he/she will still be responsible for the purchase of those items.
IX. Fund Raising/Payment
- All team members are required to participate in all fundraisers, which are generated by team members and/or Parents of team members.
- Each team member will take full responsibility to do his/her part at every fundraiser.
- Regardless of the amount of fundraising completed, each dancer is required to pay his/her full amount for the 2009/2010 budget as decided upon, and voted upon, by the Coach and parent of team members at the first season’s meeting on May 12, 2009. Failure to earn the total by the given date will result in the member paying the difference. Example: by August 1st member X has earned $150.00 toward the goal of $200.00, thus member X will be billed for the $50.00 difference.
- Fundraisers for the 2009-2010 season are determined at the first parent/dancer meeting of the year. Additional fundraisers will only be generated, if needed, by the parent club. Please speak with the coach if you choose not to participate in a particular fundraiser; however, additional/alternate fundraisers will not be generated based on personal choice to not participate in set fundraisers.
- There will be a set goal for each member to attain in her/his fund raising activities and/or payments. The per dancer amount for the 2008-2009 school year was $1,200.00.
- Money needs to be collected by the exact date given. Please make arrangements with the coach if this is not possible.
- Any dancer that leaves the team, despite the reason, is required to pay what is owed to his/her account. Should he/she decide to leave the team at any time, he/she will not receive any refund.
- Any money raised via fundraisers will remain in the Sheldon Dance Team account. There are no refunds.
- Any money paid, sponsored, donated, or placed into the Sheldon Dance Team account is non-refundable.
- Please speak with the coach regarding financial concerns ASAP, so that your needs can be addressed. Please don’t let the budget be a reason to not tryout.
XI. Sheldon Dance Team Parent Club
When a student becomes a member of the SHS Dance Team, her/his parents automatically become a member of the Sheldon Dance Team Parent Club.
- The dance team does not receive any funding from the school. Thus, we fundraise 100% of the money that enters our account.
- Therefore, parent involvement is extremely important for all of the Dance Team’s fundraisers. We ask that each parent/legal guardian participates in three fundraisers throughout the school year.
- We ask that each parents makes a commitment to participating in the “Dancing with the Colleens” dance competition this November.
- The purpose of the Parent’s Club is to support the team.
- Parents who volunteer do so out of the goodness of their hearts, not to advance their dancer’s position on the team.
- One of the most supportive things you can do is contribute a positive attitude!
Talking with the coach – for dancers and parents
- First read through the constitution to see if your questions are answered within.
- Be prepared to pay the price for any negative choices you have made.
- Talk to the coach before jumping to conclusions.
- Please do not talk behind the coach’s back and begin rumors. Go straight to the source!
- State exactly what is on your mind. The coach cannot address the problem if she does not know that there is a problem. She also cannot read your mind.
Ways for parents to show support:
- Attend all performances.
- Keep up to date on dance team activities through family conversation.
- Provide extra dance lessons.
- Get involved in the program through fundraisers.
- Ask your dancer to practice his/her routines.
- Give deserved praise and encouragement.
- Follow up with your dancer to make sure they know their part as a member of the team.
- Encourage a positive outlook and talk concerning team members, routines, practices, fundraisers, parent club members and coaches.
- Review all handouts together, and discuss expectations.
- Talk with your dancer about school and practice – then listen.
- Promote positive discussion instead of negative gossip or blaming of others.
Sheldon High School Dance Team Constitution
Please write: “I have read and agree to conform to the Constitution for the Sheldon High School Dance Team. I understand that non compliance with any of the expectations may result in my dismissal from the program.”
Dancer: ______________________________________________ Date: _________________
Parent/Legal Guardian: __________________________________ Date: _________________
Parent/Legal Guardian: __________________________________ Date: _________________
Strike Rules (3 Strikes = out)
- If the coach has to speak with a dancer or reprimand him/her for inappropriate behavior or language, including, but not limited to: disrespect, defiance, insubordination, poor attitude, etc. three times, then that dancer will be removed from the team.
- Each member must maintain at least a 2.5 grade point average.
- Term, semester, and cumulative GPAs will be taken into account, and the best GPA will be recognized.
- Regardless of GPA, no failing grades are allowed in any class. (D, F, I and N/P constitute a failing grade)
- Each member must be enrolled in three classes each term (1.5 credits) AND be passing them.
If a member falls below this GPA or class schedule requirement, he/she must prove via written report that grades have been raised or his/her schedule meets the requirement as soon as possible. The dancer will be benched until this has been proven. The dancer will be dismissed from the team upon the third occurrence of being benched for grades, GPA, and/or class schedule requirements.
The head coach will provide the dancer with a written account of the strike, which must be signed and dated by the head coach, the dancer, and a parent/guardian of the dancer.
Any and all questions regarding strikes should be taken immediately to the head coach.
I have read, understand, and agree to the terms stated above:
Signed Dancer _____________________________________ Date _________________
Signed Parent/Guardian ______________________________ Date __________________
Statements of Compliance:
- I will demonstrate pride and dedication at all times to the Sheldon High School Dance Team.
- I will work hard at all practices and always give my best effort at all Dance Team activities.
- I will have punctual attendance at all Dance Team activities.
- I will maintain respect for and cooperate with the coach and team leaders.
- I am aware that my individual choices reflect how the community, parents, school, administration, school faculty, and students view the team. Poor choices will receive any penalty the coach deems appropriate and, at the least, will be frowned upon.
- I understand that any visible tattoos will need to be covered and piercings will need to be removed for any Dance Team activity.
- I understand that my hair must be of a natural color for all performances, competitions, and fundraisers.
- I will keep my uniform clean and in perfect order at all times.
- I will wear what is decided upon by the coach at all Dance Team activities when and how it is expected.
- I will replace, at my own expense, all lost, or damaged parts of uniforms or props that I wear, use, or am responsible for.
- I will take full responsibility to do my part at every fundraiser.
- I will keep the lines of communication open between the coach/director, officers, team members, and me when it comes to decision-making and/or concerns.
Dancer Signature __________________________________________
Date __________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________________________
Date __________________________________