Holiday Bowl Sponsors Dear Community Supporter, Thank you in advance for taking time out of your busy day to read this letter. My name is Hillary McClintick, and I am the head coach of The Colleens, Sheldon High School's Varsity Dance Team, in Eugene, Oregon. Our dancers have proudly represented their school and community throughout the state performing at games and competitions, including winning back-to-back State Dance and Drill Championships for both the 2008 and 2009 seasons. Our growth and success, in the past five years, has been very rewarding for us! Other people, outside of our community, are noticing too! We are excited to announce that we have been requested to perform during the nationally televised halftime show of the Holiday Bowl in San Diego, California on Wednesday, December 30, 2009. This is an incredible honor and a once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity! We are hoping YOU will help us make it happen with your support. We have 30 dedicated athletes on our team. Each dancer must raise approximately $1000.00 to participate each season, and with dwindling educational system funds, we do not receive any financial support from our school. Due to the nature of this sport, we do not believe in turning any athlete away who cannot afford to pay. Therefore, our athletes work hard in over 20 fundraisers, many of which have multiple dates of service, to pay for our costs. Unfortunately, that only covers their normal dance season expenses. To represent Eugene in the Holiday Bowl festivities, we need additional financial assistance. We need YOU and your help to get there! The Colleens have the opportunity to represent you, Eugene, and Oregon by performing on a nationally televised stage. The cost is $1,200.00 per dancer to make this incredible opportunity a reality. Please you join us in recognizing the honor of this invitation and partner with us by becoming a team sponsor! We are suggesting the following sponsorship levels although any gift, personal or corporate, would be greatly appreciated: $5,000.00 “Lord/Lady of the Dance” Sponsor* $3,000.00 “Irish Eyes are Smiling” Sponsor* $1,000.00 “Luck of the Irish” Sponsor $500.00 “Fighting Irish” Sponsor Under $500.00 “Go Green” Sponsor * For donors at this level we will proudly display your company’s name and logo on our Holiday Bowl t-shirts, which will be worn while we are in San Diego, as well as around the community throughout the year. All donors will receive a team photo, and donations of $500 and above will also receive two complimentary tickets to the Colleen's dance competition on January 20, 2010. Our athletes are highly dedicated to this program and commit long hours to practice outside of their academic schedules. Despite their efforts, our program would not be successful without the support of local individuals and businesses like yours. Thank you for considering this request to invest in our athletes and our program! I encourage you to contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Hillary McClintick Sheldon Dance Team Head Coach
(541) 337-3367mcclint_h@4j.lane.edu http://staff.4j.lane.edu/~mcclintick_h/dance/
(Team Fundraiser)
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