Sheldon Colleen Alumni Routine


Welcome Colleen Alumni!

We want to invite you to be a part of the first annual Sheldon Colleen Alumni Routine.

Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 3:00 - 6:00 pm: Learn the Alumni routine at Sheldon High School. (This gives you time to go out to dinner and catch up with old teammates!)

Saturday, January 30, 2010: Perform the Alumni Routine during the 2nd round of the Sheldon Dance Team's "Dancing with the Colleens'" Traditional Dance Competition. (Second round will begin at 4:00. Performance time approximately 7:00 pm)

Please RSVP to the routine by contacting head coach, Hillary McClintick at or 541.337.3367

Cost is $10 for an Alumni T-shirt and ticket to the second round!

Please spread the word! We would love to have anyone who was ever a Colleen perform this routine (routine's focus will be on having fun; however, we may throw in an 8-count of kick line, so start stretching now!)