Earth Science & Health |
EARTH SCIENCE & HEALTH EXPECTATIONS 1. Respect: Please keep school wide and classroom rules in mind at all times. 2. Binders: Each student should have a "working binder" with dividers to separate work from each class. Keep all paperwork from science until the end of each unit. This does not always coincide with the end of a term. Students are encouraged to keep a "storage binder" of graded work in their locker or at home. 3. Assignments: The student is responsible for keeping track of missing or late work. An assignment board is posted in the room to show what has and has not been turned in. It is updated at least twice a week.
4. Extra Credit: “Congratulations” tickets are the one and only extra credit opportunity offered in this class. They are turned in at the end of a term. 5. Grades: Grades can be accessed online at any time. Grades are considered a work in progress, as scores are not entered immediately. The Friday before a cut-off date all work to be entered on progress or report cards will be updated. Grades are calculated based on the number of points received divided by the total points possible. 6. Textbooks: During each science unit, there will be a class set of books to use at school. Please see the teacher if you would like to check out a book for any reason. The textbook is also available in pdf format linked on the class website. 7. Class Materials: Any materials borrowed during class (rulers, calculators, compasses, lab equipment, etc.) are to remain in the classroom at all times. Please remember that the teacher will NOT loan out pencils or paper without a “Congratulations” ticket. 8. Pen or pencil? All assignments are to be done in pencil, except for final projects or essays. Mechanical pencils are often handy, since they do not need to be sharpened. 9. Problems, Questions, Conversation: Appointment times will be posted in the room and on the website each week. Students are asked to sign up in the room so I will be sure to be available. Special arrangements can also be made if there is a contradiction with the week's appointments. Feel free to email me with questions or concerns at I try to respond within 2 days.
information is designed to help parents understand what will be happening
in this class. We encourage families to ask their children for more
complete details. |
Young Middle School - 2555 Gilham Road - Eugene, OR 97408 -
541.790.6400 |