
Ocean Week

Warmup Activity: Shipwreck
Students are taught the following commands
  • All Aboard: Go to center circle in gym
  • Crows Nest: In center circle - jog in place, while "climbing rope"
  • Captain's Coming: salute the teacher
  • Dance on the Deck: Do right/left arm swing with a partner
  • Crew Overboard: One partner lay on floor, the other partner pulls up with one arm - switch
  • To Your Cabins: Go to gym homes
  • Lifeboat: 3-4 students sit with feet in each other's laps and row forward
  • Periscope: Lay down with one foot straight up and turn different angles
  • Swab the deck
  • Radar: Both arms up with elbows out and forearms and hands straight up - rotate from side to side with a "beep-beep" sound
  • Go to:
    • Bow - Yellow Wall
    • Stern - Red Wall
    • Port - Green Wall
    • Starboard - Blue Wall

    These commands are written out on slips of paper and pulled out in random order. The teacher will read them and students will follow the commands.

    Parachutes Games and Activities
  • Ocean Waves
  • Popcorn
  • Big Bang: Put balls in center and lift up the parachute all at the same time.
  • Ball Surfing
  • Housekeeping: One group throws the balls on while the others try to bounce the balls out ot the parachute
  • Merry Go Round Skip/Slide/
  • Jog- Dead Bugs
  • Color Exchange: Hold chute shoulder high and run underneath to a new spot
  • Color Chase: Call a color and those people run around and back to their spots.
  • Mushroom Igloo - Color Exchange
  • Rocking Chair
  • Circular Sit-ups: One half does sit up forward, while the other half does the down position of the situp.
  • Dodge Ball: Students hold up chute with one hand and throw with the other.
  • Swooping Cloud: One half let go of parachute at the same time for a cool effect.
  • Parachute Volleyball Air Conditioner:Color teams take turns getting fanned by the rest of the class

Shark Attack:

  • Class sits with legs underneath parachute.
  • One color team will be the lifeguards. They will stay outside of the parachute and try save students that get pulled under by the sharks.
  • Another team will be the sharks under the parachute. Give each shark a frisbee to hold above their head under the chute.
  • When someone is pulled under the parachute by the shark, they will exchange the frisbee to the new shark.
  • The "old shark" will replace the person they pulled under on the outside of the chute.

More Ocean Week Games: