

  • Students may wear their team color jersey and should remember their gym home number for these activities.
   Dead Bugs
  • Students move in same direction ith left hand holding chute, when music stops - do the dead bug and kick the chute
   Sit Ups
  • Everyone sits with legs under parachute, knees bent, grab parachute and lean back and up
  • Throw out small foam balls and have the students shake the chute, popping them up in the air.
   Advanced Popcorn
  • Still using small foam balls or fleece balls, have students pop the popcorn through the hold in the middle of your parachute (if it is not covered)
   Giant tent
  • Kids lift up, step forward
  • Sit inside of chute
   Parachute Freeze
  • Students make big waves while music is playing, and freeze when music stops.
  • Variations while making big waves to music and then freezing
  • Jump up and down with both feet off the ground
  • Jump on one foot, then other foot
  • Kids lift up, step forward - Sit inside of chute


  • Kids stand around parachute and hold it high above their heads (a very taut parachute is needed so have the kids take an extra step or two backwards).
  • When a number is called, those students become the mice.
  • They must crawl under the parachute, trying to crawl out between the students still holding the chute and back under the chute as many times as they can.
  • When you blow the whistle, students still holding the chute pull it quickly to the ground to see how many mice they can trap.
  • Students lay down on floor and pull parachute up to their chin.
  • They must have their legs straight out under the chute and legs together.
  • They pretend to be asleep with eyes closed.
  • Teacher walks around and taps one student on the shoulder--this student becomes the alligator.
  • Alligator crawls quietly under parachute in order to "eat" other students.
  • Alligator "eats" by quickly pulling the feet of another student. When a student is pulled under, they must SCREAM as loud as they can to warn others, and then they also become an alligator
  • Continue until all students are alligators, then start over.
   Space Ship
  • Lift up chute.
  • Pull down together to the top of shoes.
  • On "Go", everyone should let go of the chute together.
  • If done properly, the chute will hover off the ground like a space ship.
   Number Chase
  • Students grip the parachute with their R hands and walk in the same direction while listening for their numbers to be called.
  • Everyone with the number called will let go of the parachute and run forward around the chute until they get back to their original spots.
  • The students holding the parachute continue to walk while the others run around.
  • After all the numbers are called, switch to gripping the chute with the L hands and walk in a CCW direction.
  • For a variation change the way to travel around the parachute.
  • Choose two players to be the sharks, who position themselves under the middle of the parachute.
  • On signal, standing players shake the parachute gently to create waves while the sharks move under the chute trying to gently touch/tag the leg of a standing player.
  • At that point the two players change roles and the game continues on.
   Crab Soccer
  • Players keep several balls moving across chute by kicking while seated or with bottoms lifted off the ground.
  • When a ball gets stuck in front of a player he crab walks to ball and kicks.
  • Variation: 4-5 players are "active" and crab walk on parachute attempting to kick balls off.
  • Outside players catch or trap balls.
  • Leader counts down "5 4 3 2 1 Knees!" or "Slam the Door!"
  • As players lift chute overhead a color group is called to exchange places under chute
   Scat in & out & all about
  • Players inflate chute.
  • One color group is invited to run in & out all the windows.
  • When chute deflates that group runs out and around chute to return to their places.
  • When all are out, players holding chute bring edge down to their waist.
   Air Conditioner - Stand around the chute
  • When you call a number, that group crawls under the parachute, lies down on their backs with feet crossed and hands covering eyes.
  • Kids that are still around chute make fast waves to "cool them off".

    How High?

  • Try to work together to get a ball to touch the ceiling of the gym. Try a variety of balls to see what works best.

   Bounce Me

  • Divide class into teams, one on each side. Make waves to keep a ball up. The object of this game is to bounce the ball off the chute to go over the heads of the other team.

   Run Through

  • Using the color of the parachute panels (There are four on most chutes and each student should be gripping one). Lift up the chute and call out two colors. Those students run under and then around the chute to return to their original spot.