Sense of Place

Web Lesson 2

This activity is designed to explore how your family uses pesticides and how the use has changed over time. Interview family members (parents, grandparents) and/or neighbors about their use of pesticides around the home and garden. Ask them the following questions:

Interview Questions:
  • 1. What types of pesticides have you used?
  • 2. Which, if any, do you still use?
  • 3. How often are/were they applied?
  • 4. If pesticide use has changed, why?

Finally, in your own words answer the following:

Questions you answer stating your own opinion:
  • 5. Why do we look at the use of pesticides differently now than we did 50 years ago?
  • 6. Do you think that pesticide use is an issue that citizens should be concerned about? Why or why not?

On a piece of paper, provide answers to the interview questions and the answers to the questions stating your own opinion (6 questions in all). Alternatively, you may e-mail this assignment to Helen ( and Tim (

For an example of what we expect for this activity click here.

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