Goals & Objectives for the Unit





1. The students will gather information on salmon history particularly as it relates to Native Americans. Students will:

  • Become familiar with the environmental factors that influenced the development of salmon
  • Understand the historical importance of salmon to Native American culture

2. The students will observe and investigate salmon and their habitat to become familiar with salmonid biology and ecology. Students will:

  • Investigate the life cycle of salmon.
  • Research the characteristics of the various species of Pacific Northwest salmon.
  • Analyze the interrelationships between salmon and other organisms.
  • Have the opportunity to observe spawning salmon in their natural habitat.

3. The students will identify various human activities that have an impact on salmon populations. Students will:

  • Investigate human impacts at nearby field sites
  • Research the history of human impacts on salmon in the Northwest
  • Understand political and economic issues related to salmon

4. The students will synthesize what they have learned thus far about salmon, evaluate current proposals to restore salmon habitat, and predict future prospects for northwest salmon species. Students will:

  • Research a wide range of proposals to restore salmon habitat
  • Develop a Carson Center plan to address current and future salmon issues

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