Web Lesson 23 |
In this activity you will learn about the Oregon Forest Practices Act. These are the regulations that govern timber harvesting activities in the state. Each numbered step in this lesson requires that you look at some information and respond to a question. Answers may be submitted in the text box below or written up on paper and submitted in your folder. Be sure to number each section appropriately. The following websites will be useful in answering the questions: What are the Oregon Forest Practices rules? Oregon Forest Practices Act background 1. What is the purpose of the Oregon Forest Practices Act? 2. These rules apply to all private and state-owned timber land. If you were a timberland owner, what are some of the things you could do on your land that are regulated by this act? 3. What would happen if you chose to ignore the rules and got caught? 4. Has the Oregon Forest Practices Act changed over time? Explain. 5. List and describe two different rules that Oregon uses to protect its forest resources. A small part of the act is reproduced here , read it and answer the following: 6. After timber harvesting, when must reforestation begin? 7. 5 years after timber harvest, what would a forestry worker expect to see on the land if the landowner had followed the rules?
Submit your answers in the text box below. Be sure to keep a copy of your submission on a disk!