Forest Ecology

Web Lesson 16

 In this activity you will look at several different websites that relate to forests. Your task is to choose one of the sites from the list below or find your own and write a website review. The written review should include the following:

  • The name and URL of the website reviewed.
  • A one paragraph overview of the site; what are the highlights, what is the main topic covered, who would find this site most useful.
  • A critical review of the overall quality and value of the site; page design, ease of navigatation within the site, quality of information posted, value of the site to high school students.
  • An outline of the site. Start at the site home page and explore all links. Write a flow chart showing how the various sub pages of the site are linked together. (Here's an example from the Rachel Carson Home Page: HomePage links to: Staff, Calendar, Greenhouse, Curriculum, Community, resources, Students, Lessons; Staff links to: Helen and Tim; Calendar links to: monthly calendar pages, etc.)

 The Sites:

Oregon Forest Resources Institute

Explore the Fantastic Forest

Oregon Dept. of Forestry

Old Growth Forests in the U.S.

U.S. Forest Service

Forests Forever


Write your review in paragraph form using a word processor, save it to a disk, and then copy, cut, and paste it into the text box below.




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