Sustainable Agriculture |
Rachel Carson 1 HW Assignment #23 Soil Unit: Sustainable Agriculture Due: Friday 6/5/09
Name____________________________________ Period_______
We have discussed the concept of Sustainable Agriculture in class and we visited Winter Green Farm, an example of a biodynamic farm. A working definition for sustainable agriculture is--farming that does not destroy the soil, water or people; farming practices that will produce food for human or animal consumption without causing harm to the environment.
The following are objectives that most farmers who support sustainable agriculture abide by.
Sustainable Agriculture Best Practices ÿ Crop rotation, ÿ alternatives to pesticide use/natural methods for ridding land and food from pests ÿ reduced tilling of soil/elimination of tilling (erosion) ÿ smaller farms growing food for local community (local market vs. global market) ÿ promote biodiversity in soil (grow a variety of plants and food vs. a single crop) ÿ fair markets for crops and animals, ÿ maintains local surface and groundwater quality, ÿ use of local water sources/watersheds uncontaminated by runoff, ÿ decent working and living conditions for laborers, ÿ consumer health and safety a priority, ÿ long-term planning and practices that promote long-term health
Assignment Use one of the following websites; http://www.nal.usda.gov/afsic/csa/
or http://localharvest.org/csa.jsp to find out what a CSA is. Answer the
following: Using information from the Winter Green Farm tour or using the website on Sustainable Agriculture (http://www.caff.org/programs/faq.shtml), answer the following questions. 2. What do sustainable farms do about pests and weeds? Provide an example of a practice you saw. 3. How do sustainable farms fertilize their crops? Explain. 4. What does organically grown mean? 5. Why do you think produce grown by CSA's is more expensive? Use your opinion to respond to the following. Try this website if you're stumped (http://www.caff.org/programs/buylocal.shtml). 6. Name and explain two benefits to buying locally produced food through a CSA of the Farmers Market. 7. Name and explain two drawbacks from this. Answer the following. Ask your parent if necessary: 8. How often does your family eat meals at home (give a percentage) during a typical week? 9. Where does your family get their food most often? 10. What percentage of the food your family eats is fresh (fruit, vegetables, and/or meat, etc. that you prepare as opposed to boxed or canned)? 11. Do you buy organic produce? Why/not? 12. Would your family ever join a CSA or get your food exclusively locally? Why/not? 13. Do you think sustainable agriculture is viable (can it work long-term as a solution)? Explain. |