Soil Types |
Homework #20
Identify Soils by Feel Due Friday, May 15 Name ______________________ NOTE: About 20 minutes of class time on Wednesday and Thursday this week will be used to work on this assignment. Please bring your soil samples to class on which ever of the above days you meet. This week’s homework assignment is to collect 2 different soil samples from around your home, yard, and/or neighborhood. The purpose is to take a close look at the samples of soils collected from different locations and to classify them by using a series of simple tests. Step 1: Collect 2 different soil samples (each should be about 2 -3 teaspoons worth). Try to find soils that look different. You could get one from your backyard, one from a potted plant in your house, or one from another location in your neighborhood. Put them in a baggie or other container and bring them to class. Step 2: Create a data table to show your results. Include: soil sample #, location collected, soil type. Step 3: Remove as much organic material as possible from each sample (sticks, needles, bugs, etc.). Follow the directions on the ‘Key to Soil Texture by Feel’ sheet on the back of this page. Step 4: Fill out you data table and submit in your folder. Bring soil samples to class on Wednesday or Thursday!