Ecology Cyberclass

Course Syllabus


After reading the syllabus proceed to getting started.

Course Description: The study of the relationships of living things to each other and their environment is called ecology. This course is a high school level ecology course delivered over the internet. Students will receive instruction and directions for the activities from a series of web pages. Student responses will be submitted to the instructor via email. You may access the lessons from any computer that has internet access. If you do not have internet access at home the school's drop in computer labs are available for your use. The course calendar indicates the rate at which assignments must be completed. Topics to be covered include: basic principles of ecology, population dynamics, energy flow through the biosphere, ecology of communities, and the exploration of various biomes, ocean ecosystems, and the atmosphere.

Grading: Your grade for this course will be based on the total number of points received versus the total points possible. The grading scale is as follows:

A=90 - 100%

B=80 - 89%

C=70 - 79%

D=60 - 69%

&F=lt ; 60%

Attendance: Since cyberschool courses don't require attendance during regular class periods, no attendance will be taken. However it is critically important that you complete all assignments and activities according to the course calendar. Late, incomplete, or poorly done assignments will reduce the points given.

Credit: Successful completion of this course will earn you 5 high school science credits.

Laboratory Activities: Ocassionally you will need to become involved in a laboratory activity. These activities can usually be completed at home using readily available materials. If necessary, I will schedule a lab activity in the Rachel Carson classroom or in the greenhouse. These labs can be accomplished using free periods, lunch times, or time before or after school.

What to do if you need help: Students who need help with ecology assignments should contact the instructor (Tim Whitley) via email at, see me at Churchill High School in room C-8, or call me at 687-3421. Other students in the class are a great resource as well and can be contacted using their email accounts or through the ecology listserve.

 Proceed to getting started.

Ecology Class Home Page