Assignments and Homework Policy
Students will work on a variety of tasks that range from
discussion and reading assignments to hands-on activities,laboratory investigations,
and State Science Work Samples. For some students the work will be completed
in class, others will find that they need to finish the assignment at
home. Students also have the option of revising and editing some assignments
that are already graded (lab reports, for example).
Student Folders are graded every two or three weeks. Reading
assignments, vocabulary, and other worksheets are worth 5 points Lab reports
are worth 10 points and projects and work samples are worth 20 points.
Students are asked think of their folders as "portfolios" of
their best work.
Other Course Titles
Micro Life
Forest and Stream Ecology
World of Plants
LEAP 6th Grade Science
here to find the Oregon State Standards for Science Education
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Moon and Stars

Course Description
This course is an introduction to the central
concepts of Earth Science. Content follows a predictable path starting
here at home, the earth, and progressing to the farthest reaches of the
universe. Students study forces that have shaped and changed the face
of the earth for ages, either catastrophically through events like earthquakes
and volcanoes, or slowly and methodically through weathering and erosion.
After leaving the earth, we look to the moon and and study it’s
influence on seasons and tides, learn about our solar system's origins
from it's moonscape, and how the moon has becomeour stepping stone into
space... The final frontier of our study takes us to other solar systems,
other galaxies, nebulae, and stars. We will discuss topics like dark matter,
supernovas, and black holes.
This course is designed for students to meet or exceed Oregon State Standards
in Earth Science, while also addressing their needs to successfully submit
Work Samples in the Elements of Inquiry.
To earn a C2 or better a student must keep an organized folder of their
completed work and participate positively in classroom activities.
