Native American Shelter Project
Shelter project - Part 1
Dear Fourth and Fifth Grade Families,
There are more than 3 million Native Americans in the United States and Canada. Today Native Americans live in modern homes or apartments and share the same hopes and dreams as most families.
Each student, in our class, is researching a Native American tribe. We are using books and websites to answer questions about how the people of the tribe lived before Europeans arrived. Our focus at school is on note taking, writing organized paragraphs and learning what parts of the various cultures have been carried forward and are part of our society today.
Keeping in mind that today Native Americans live in modern homes, students are to create a model of the type of home in which your student’s research tribe lived in the past. This is the homework portion of this project. The project is to be attached to a cardboard base as a support.
The base needs to be about 8” x 10”. We will be sending students home with a piece of cardboard for the base. Your student may use materials such as grass, reeds, sticks, leather, cloth, wood, clay, or whatever material they need to make a representation of the home. The home should fit on the base.
The following website shows many types of homes:
This project is due Tuesday, March 19th