 Football Rotation
(Ball Passing Rotation (CD with 40 Second Songs, then a 10 second transition song)
  • Line up the class so that there are two lines facing each other about ten feet apart
  • Yellow and Blue Teams face each other, Red and Green Teams fill in at each end.
  • It works best to have partners facing each other on opposite sides of the center line.
  • For some classes it helps if each participant has a polyspot to stand on.
  • One line is the Stationary line - each person in that line gets a ball
    The other line is the rotating line - they will rotate down to the next person in line during the music interlude.
    Start music CD
  • Both partners face each other with their hands on their knees.
  • The student in the stationary line holds a football and faces their partner. They say, "Ready, Go!"
  • The student in the rotating line turns and runs behind them about twenty feet and turn around. The partner throws the football immediately after they turn.
  • The student that caught the ball, runs the ball to the center, they now become the quarterback and say "Ready, Go!" at the center line.
  • Now the student from the stationary line will be catching the ball. They turn and run about 20 feet towards the wall behind them. The passer throws the ball immediately after they turn around.
  • After the music ends there is a ten second interlude for the person at the end of the rotating line to run up and take their place at the beginning of the line

   Another Football Variation:

  • Break up in partners
  • When the music starts, the person in the stationary line, hands the football off to their partner, who becomes the runner and moves around the gym using agility and keeping control of the ball.
  • The partner who handed off the football does jumping jacks while the music plays.
  • When the music stops, the partners switch places. The partner with the football stands still, while the other partner runs to them and receives a football handoff.
  • After handing off to the new runner, this partner does jumping jacks while the music plays.
  • The partners continue to switch places for the duration of the activity.