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Project Adventure

Project Adventure

Skating America
Eugene 4j


— Break class into four teams of five to eight players (i.e. Color teams: Red, Blue, Yellow, Green).

— If your gym has four square games marked on the floor, that will work great for spreading the teams out.

— One person on each team stands in the center with a soft ball that works well for rolling and throwing.


— The object of the game is to see who cannot get all of the letters in SPUD.

— Players line up evenly spaced around the four square or in a circle.

— One player stands in the middle with a ball.

— The game begins when the ball holder throws the ball straight up into the air as high as they can. At the same time they call the name on one person in their group.

— When the player whose name was called is able to hold the ball, they yell out the word SPUD and everyone freezes.

— The ball carrier may now take up to four giant steps towards one of the other players.

— The frozen target player must stay frozen while the ball carrier attempts to roll the ball at the feet of the target player.

— If this player's feet are touched by a ball, they recieve the first letter of the word SPUD. They also become the new ball holder for the next game.