Line Soccer
Setup and Equipment:
One ball (Nerf style)
Players are spread out in 2 lines facing each other at opposing ends of the gym.
Each player is standing on a number (polyspot).
The object of the game is to kick the ball past the players on the other team.
Players that are not in the center are goalies and stand on the black line on the numbers (polyspots).
Play begins when two players from each team enter the the play area, standing in the center facing their oponents.
The teacher rolls the ball between the players in the center.
A goal is scored when a ball is kicked between two players on the opposite team.
Players are given one or two minutes to score a goal.
If the game is not over after a couple of minutes, the teacher can count down from ten seconds for an exciting finish.
Goals must be below shoulder height or lower to count
When this game is over the "old" players move to the opposite end of the line and the team rotates down two spots.
Two new players from each team now go the center and a new game begins.