
Balloon Finger Balance: Try balancing a balloon on the end of your finger. Have a competition to see who can do it for the longest. The balloon must not be held, only balanced, and it must not be tapped. The finger must be in direct contact with the balloon at all times.

Balloon Juggle: Each team (6-8 per team) is given one balloon each with two additional ones. They are to try and keep all of the balloons in the air. Even more balloons may be added to increase the challenge.

Balloon Juggle Memory Game: Each team (6-8 per team) decide on the order by calling out the name of someone in their group (it's best if it is not passed to the person next to them) Balloons may be added to increase the challenge.

Balloon Blow: Each team stands in a small circle (around a four square will work). Three people on each team have one balloon behind their back. The first person on the team puts one balloon up in the air in the middle. The object is to see which team can keep the balloon floating while using only breath. Hands and balloons should stay behind backs. The two additional balloons are added and the team tries to keep all three balloons in the air.

Balloon Partner Volleyball: Pairs stand across from each other on each side of a line. The object is to see who can keep hitting the balloon to the other side without crossing the line. The player that does not cross the line is the new server.

Balloon Over/Under Relay: The object of this game is to get your team to the opposite end of the gym by passing a balloon. Teams line up in relay team formation. The balloon is passed overhead to the person in back of them. That person now passes the balloon through their legs to the next person who leans down and picks it up then passes it overhead to the person standing in back of them. When the pass off is made the person runs to the opposite end of the line, to continue the pattern.