POEMS by 6th & 7th grade Students in the class Springtime Verses(April-June 2003)

List  Poems

A Cavity

A Cavity, A Cavity, thereís nothing like A Cavity. 
You put some candy in your mouth and 
then your teeth are falling out. 
A Cavity A Cavity, thereís nothing as raunchy 
it stinks and itís gross looking. 
They say if a dentist sees one 
sheíll shriek and start to drill, 
And the next morning when you look in the mirror 
boy will you get a big thrill! 
A Cavity, A Cavity, thereís nothing like A Cavity. 
Itís sly, it comes real quick 
if you look at it youíll be sick 
Itíll make you want to cry 
because it made your teeth die. 

--Kiyah W.

Meresaís Blue Fajitas

I think that I shall never laugh 
about the fajitas that you have. 
Theyíre blue and soft with stripes brown 
you eat them then you have no frown. 
I hope theyíre good and yummy 
I hope they donít rattle your tummy. 
Fajitas are made for a mouth like yours 
and I just love the ones you chose. 

--Halie B.

Cats and Rats

As the rat 
climbed over 
the top of 

the cheese cabinet 
first his tail 
then his rump 

he fell 
and broke 
the drawer in a thump. 

Then from the flower pot 
a cat emerged 
and smote the rat 
and gobbled him

Next time you are a rat 
and want some cheese from 
the cheese cabinet, 
go to a house 

--Andrew E.

Terryís Tomatoes

I think that I shall never taste 
such tomatoes you cannot waste. 
Theyíre sweet, red and round, 
theyíre the best tomatoes Iíve ever found! 
They grow so beautiful and nice, 
theyíd sure go great in a spice! 
Yes, I love those tomatoes, 
even better than your potatoes! 

--Kendra D.


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Horse Trainer

He trains and teaches each horse, 
Each obeying all commands. 
Chance one may not, 
Trying harder each time. 
Frustration builds, 
His forelock in his face, 
Stamping his hoof impatiently. 

--Molly B.


Day by day,
horse by horse
shoe by shoe,
Each hoof clipped and cleaned to perfection.
Each shoe placed,
Each one fitting each hoof.
Three shoes on,
A job almost done.
He bends over,
Back hardens,
Eyes cold and silvery, 
the fourth shoe remains

--Molly B.

Treasure Island

Boy wakes up for school 
Takes a shower and gets dressed 
Eats breakfast and gets his backpack 

Late for the bus 
Gets to school late 
His teacher gives him lunch detention 

All the others reading Treasure Island 
The teacher gives him the book 
Boys suddenly has to fight for his life 
Captured by Black Beard. 

--Lexi H.

The Writer

is always thinking up 
new characters 
new plots 
new stories 

with new twists 
to attract readers 
and critics 

putting down dreams 
sudden inspirations 

always seems so distant 
in her own world 
sometimes sheís boring 
sometimes exciting 

you never know 
just by looking 
at her cover 

you have to 
open her up 
and let her life story 
unfold in front of you 
as you learn her secrets 
page by page 

--Hannah D.


Her pencil
on paper
putting down
she rests
from all
of the
she walks
on her
white floor
striped with
thin blue
pink hair
her face
with silver
and green
n her long



in a
down to
her feet
tny shoes
she started
to dance
tiny little
feet on her
once in a 
on her head
as if she were
a pencil
on paper.

--Amanda H


The artist sits with brush in had 
Sharing the feelings of her soul 
Bright color explains her mind 
Darkness breaks through, 
Showing loneliness and anger 
This canvas that sits with her is her friend, 
her escape 
Late in the evening, while the night is cool 
She still works on her piece and for awhile, 
She sits thinking 
And when I look back, sheís no longer there 
But in the painting I see her, 
staring off in the distance. 

--Amber S.

The Ice Cream Tester

The taste tester 
With his white coat and hat, 
Sits all day, to eat 
And test the newest variations. 
Some good, 
Some bad. 
He eats 
And eats 
Until his insides 
Begin to freeze. 
Pistachio, his favorite, 
Begins to replace him. 
His skin grows to 
Waxed cardboard. 
After awhile, he falls 
Onto the conveyor belt, 
And another tester comes 
To judge him. 

--Andrew H.


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The Frog, the Hog, the Log

I knew a frog that loved a log
I knew a hog that loved that log
The frog and the hog
Loved that big old log
Until that log was lost in a fog

--Cherie Anne

Walking Back

Walking back from a breakfast meal, 
I stepped in who-knows what with my heel. 
Whatever it was, 
Whatever it does, 
It sure wasnít pleasant to feel. 

--Kendra D.


Everyday we say hola as hi,
Ending, thereís adios for bye.
We play with the verbs,
And learn special words,
When singing we say Ay Ay Ay!

--Kendra D.

LIST POEMS, including Circle, Change, & Ego Tripping poems
Revenge of the 
Weird Guy 
in the Chicken Suit

He runs 
He caws 
He falls 
They laugh. 
He hates it 
He wants 
He puts 
in their 
free samples. 
They love it, 
He sighs. 
A chicken 
he is 

--Andrew E.


Light blue jeans sit on top of red horses 
galloping gracefully 
through the moist green grass. 
Pink bows and orange hair ties 
sit rejected 
in a bathroom drawer. 
The bright yellow sun dances 
on blue blankets 
that hang waiting 
on the paddock fence. 
Purple plums fall from the trees 
as the sun sinks lower in the sky. 

--Danielle K.



the precious stone of the earth
its beauty and wonder
like a spark of rainbow flame
like amethyst eyes
peering questioningly
from the depths of the earth
with a magic all its own
itís a wonder
how something so pure
and beautiful
could inflict so much pain
like a blade
against your skin

--Hannah D.

Work Day

Wake up and know itís time to work.
Study how to take care of yourself.
Knit until you learn that patience is a true virtue.
Wash and know you are helping the family.
Revise and 
Edit and
Create techniques for yourself.
Record your actions and learn from them.
Explain to your parents what you just did,
Remembering you are

--Andrew H.


The beautiful green forest
and small blue birds flying across the sky
bouquets of red roses
very pink classroom walls
the teacher asked is purple the color of royalty?
I got an orangy orange smoothy
with my light blue blanket
thinking of how yellow is
my favorite color.

--Jessica S.


New York

--Andrew H

Ego Tripping

I am so tall, with one step I can walk over Mt. Everest.
I walked across the United States in twenty minutes.
When I was two
I received the Atlantic Ocean as a gift.

I am so powerful, I just have to think of something 
and it will happen.
I am so old, dinosaurs were roaming the earth when I was born.
I am so wise, Bill Gates came to me for help while trying 
to invent the computer (I did most of it).

When I was seven, I gave my friend the gift of forever happiness.
I am so interesting, people come to listen to me talk 
from all around the world, 
and sometimes they listen for days at a time.

I am so strong, I can carry five elephants on my little finger.
I am so adored, even my enemies shower me with gifts. 
I am so perfect, everyone envies me.

I am so powerful, I am Godís daughter.

--Amber S.

Change Poem

A baby, dressed in pink looking like a little lady.
Her first day of kindergarten, is not well . . .
she cries so hard, her eyes start to swell.
It seems like only yesterday, she thought she was in love.
But now she goes to prom, pulling on her long white gloves.
Sheís off to college, somewhere in France.
Sheís forgotten most of them, they donít even have a chance.
Sheís off to live her life, such a perfect little lady,
and sheís no longer, a cute little baby.

--Olivia M.

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My horse runs freely
His mane flows like dancing wheat
Golden gleaming coat

--Halie B.

Darkness closing in
The sun setting in the west
Snow begins to fall

--Hannah D.

Standing under the shade of a tree
watching civilization growing
the blinding sun up in the sky

--Kaela M.

The small of pine trees
Seeing grass with morning dew
Shadows of classmates

--Brittany P.

A man mowing the lawn
Barely any dandelions
Some alive and some dead


I feel overwhelmed
Quickly trying to eat stew
Before softball starts

--Dani K.

A voice shatters
the brittle air, releasing
a cloud into the air

--Andrew H.

The smell of roses
Lieing in the soggy wet grass
Bugs crawling in the dirt

--Ericka M.

The wind is blowing
All of the flowers blooming
The birds are chirping

--Jessica S.

We stand and listen,
while it starts to get silent,
something is coming

--Kendra D.

Small white puffy clouds
Scattered in the soft blue sky
Alone the blinding sun

--Dani K.

Beautiful white geese
softly gliding through pearly clouds
in the painted sky

--Amanda H.

Brightness in my eyes
As I walk into the sun
Warmth shines down on me

--Amber S.

Birds soaring through clouds
never to return again
dancing all the way

--Sarah P. & Olivia M.

Big small gray white clouds
Big blue sky all over a
Deserted baseball field

--Lexi H.

Leaves falling everywhere
through the air so very crisp
wind takes them away

--Olivia M. & Sarah P.

People so angry
Unbelievably violent
At nothing at all

--Olivia M. & Sarah P.

The cloud floats softly
Through the sky so beautiful,
Then the night is dark

--Ashley G-D.

Butterflies are here
summer must be near
I can hardly wait


He flies high in the sky
Sweet song echoes in the wind
for everyone to hear

--Molly B.

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