Ch 20 Air Pollution

Air Pollution Case Studies
Directions: In pairs, research air pollution and related issues for two cities—one on the list of the world’s worst and one from the U.S.’s worst polluted cities.  Use the suggested sites.  In addition to answering the questions below, feel free to add any interesting, relevant information you come across.
World’s worst polluted cities:,28804,1661031_1661028,00.html
U.S.’s worst polluted cities:

1.	What are your two cities’ major environmental problems?
2.	What are the greatest environmental and health effects due to these problems?
3.	What are the sources of the pollutants in your cities / regions?
4.	What policies (local, regional and/or national) are in place to address these concerns? What further steps need to be taken to improve the situation?
5.	What will need to happen to cause a change in your cities’ pollution levels?  Describe the likelihood of change in the near future.
6.	What was the most surprising thing you learned about your cities and their pollution?
7.	What patterns do you see in terms of the lists of most polluted places? Explain.,28804,1661031_1661028,00.html,28804,1661031_1661028,00.html