
Project Adventure

Chicken Impulse
  (Project Adventure Book p. 240) Equipment: Rubber Chicken
  • Split class into 2 even groups - First 4 on each color team for example
  • Students sit down facing (backs?) to each other, 12 inches between teams
  • Students hold hands with the person on either side of them
  • The rubber chicken will be at the end of the line between the last two players on each team
  • Close eyes, except for the two people at the beginning of each line
  • The teacher flips a coin
  • If the coin lands on heads - both teams send down the pulse to the end of the line and tries to be the first to grab the chicken.
  • If the coin lands on tails, neither team sends an impulse down the line
  • Teams gets a point when they are able to send the pulse down their line by using the hand pulse technique
  • Teams lose a point if a pulse is passed down, or chicken grabbed when the coin landed on tail
  • Whole groups stands in a circle - close enough to touch hands.
  • Everyone puts left hand out and open (palm up).
  • Right hand with finger resting above neighbor’s left open palm.
  • On the count of three, try to catch finger your neighbor's finger.
  • The Whipi Dip (Tea handshake) This one looks like two passing people, holding ice cream cones, will high five when passing. However, hands will pass by each other and continue down to shake the ankles.
  • Logging Handshake Creating a thumb-on-thumb stack. You can do this one with many people.
  • Ice fishing (Happy Salmon) This may appear to begin like a “normal” handshake but ends up hands to forearms with the hands flapping like tail fins on forearms
  • Dairy Farmer's handshake - one person puts fingers of both hands together with thumbs pointing downwards.
  • The "shake" is a pulling of the thumbs in a milking motion.
   Thumb-o-meter Getting feedback from the group
  • Using your thumb to gauge group feelings and/or concerns
  • Thumbs up, down, or somewhere in the middle.
   Circle The Circle:
  • Participants stand in a circle and link hands with a hula-hoop around a designated set link hands to start.
  • The group must then pass the hula-hoop around the circle by passing it over and under their bodies and arms, without letting go of each other’s hands.
  • An added challenge is to add a second hoop traveling in the opposite direction.
  • With the group standing in a circle and each person holding a rope (ends tied together) time how fast the knot in the rope can be passed around the circle.
   Team Tag:
  • This is an everyone is it game.
  • You are trying to tag other people and they are trying to tag you.
  • However, people are split into smaller groups of three or four and each group is given a different color ball.
  • Now, if a person is tagged they take a knee and can only get back in if someone from their team throws them their team ball.
   Human Knot (Knot my Problem):
  • Coil-up a looped rope (ends tied together) and place it in the center of the group.
  • Ask participants to reach across the coil of rope and grab a section of rope with one hand.
  • Once this is done, ask folks to reach across and grab another section of rope with their other hand.
  • When participants have a hold of the rope with both hands they shouldn’t let go.
  • The object is for the group to untangle the rope.
  • Participants can slide their hands along the rope but may not let go.