Ball Rotation
  • Line up the class so that there are two lines facing each other about ten feet apart
  • Yellow and Blue Teams face each other, Red and Green Teams fill in at each end.
  • For youngers it helps if each participant has a polyspot to stand on.
  • One line is the Stationary line - each person in that line gets a ball
  • The other line is the rotating line - they will rotate down to the next person in line during the music interlude
  • Start music CD and students bounce pass back and forth
  • After the music ends there is a ten second interlude for the person at the end of the rotating line to run up and take their place at the beginning of the line
  • Variations:
    • Chest Pass with Playground Balls/Basketballs
    • Bounce Pass with Playground Balls/Basketballs
    • Deck Rings
    • Footballs
    • Spinjammers/ Soft Frisbee