Wall Challenge - PIG
Setup and Equipment:
  • Climbing Wall
  • Beanbags
  • Container (large pail will work)
  • This is a partner activity - based on the basketball game P-I-G
  • One partner climbs to a spot and balances a beanbag on a handhold
  • Throw the beanbag to a container that is placed in front of the wall
  • If the beanbag scores, the partner must replicate the climb and catch. If the second climber misses the shot the earn the first letter P.
  • If the first climber misses the shot, the second climber climbs to a spot and attempts a shot. If the second climber misses this shot - they get the letter P.
  • Play continues until one climber has all of the letters to pig
  • Grades 3/4/5 for youngers - do the same game but don't keep track of the letters
  • Without Wall. Set up a container in a central location and partners can challenge each other to make a basket.
Half of the class can shoot baskets or play four square, while the other half does this activity.