Setup and Equipment:
  • Scooters
  • Turtles (Turtle Balance trainer displayed above) for Jumping
  • Swim Noodles
  • Each student (pirate) will sit on a scooter (pirate ship).
  • Four Turtles are set up in each corner of the gym.
  • One mat is set up in front of each wall as "islands" (5 second rest stop).
  • Four-Six students will be the 'Crakens' and will be sitting on their own ships. Each Craken will use a swim noodle (tentacle) to gently tag the pirates.
  • Pirates are allowed a five second safe stop on the islands.
  • WALK THE PLANK: When a pirate is tagged he/she must walk over to the "turtle" then jump ten times and jump off, landing on both feet. (Simulating walking the plank)
  • Then the pirate may re-enter the ocean and continue the game.
  • Pick new "crakens" every two-three minutes.