Turtles (Turtle Balance trainer displayed above) for Jumping
Swim Noodles
Each student (pirate) will sit on a scooter (pirate ship).
Four Turtles are set up in each corner of the gym.
One mat is set up in front of each wall as "islands" (5 second rest stop).
Four-Six students will be the 'Crakens' and will be sitting on their own ships. Each Craken will use a swim noodle (tentacle) to gently tag the pirates.
Pirates are allowed a five second safe stop on the islands.
WALK THE PLANK: When a pirate is tagged he/she must walk over to the "turtle" then jump ten times and jump off, landing on both feet. (Simulating walking the plank)
Then the pirate may re-enter the ocean and continue the game.