Eight Kinds of Learning Styles
(largely fromThomas Armstrong's Multiple Intelligences in the Classrrom)

Children who are strongly:


in words

reading, writing, telling stories, playing word games, etc

books, tapes, writing tools, paper, diaries, dialogue, discussion, debate, stories, etc


by reasoning

experimenting, questioning, figuring out logical puzzles, calculating, etc.

things to explore & think about, science matierials, manipulatives, trips to the planetarium & science museums, etc.


in images and pictures

designing, drawing, visualizing, doodling, etc.

art, LEGOS, video, movies, slides, imagination games, mazes, puzzles, illustrated books, trips to art museums, etc.

Bodily Kinesthetic

through somatic sensations

dancing, running, jumping, building, touching, gesturing,

role play, drama, movement, things to build, sports & physical games, tactile experiences, hands-on learning, etc.


via rhythms & melodies

singing, whistling, humming, tapping feet & hands, listening, etc.

sing-along time, trips to concerts, music playing at home & school, musical instruments, etc.


by bouncing ideas off other people

leading, organizing, relating, manipulating, mediating, partying, etc.

friends, group games, social gatherings, community events, clubs, mentors, apprenticeships, etc.


deeply inside of themselves

setting goals, meditating, dreaming, being quiet, planning

secret places, time alone, self-paced projects, choices, etc.

sensitively about the connections & patterns in the plant and animal world
spending time outdoors, observing and noticing relationships in the natural world.
hands-on science, plants & animals to care for, time in nature

For fantastic educational resources about learning for parents and teachers check out Susan Kovalik & Associates' website. They have cutting edge literature and videos about children, learning, our brain, our culture and how we can help our young people be the most they can be. I've attended a number of Susan's conferences and they are powerful in the best kind of way. I would recommend reading, Selling Out America's Children : How America Puts Profits Before Values - and What Parents Can Do by David Walsh, Ph.D. You can read a book talk from the website listed above.