Biography Report Scaffold & Example

The red lettering below is a description of what should be included in the paragraph.

The black lettering is an example of that paragraph. The paragraphs I've written are probably much longer than you'll need; I just had too much fun writing my report. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence and at least 3 supporting details. You may have more paragraphs than this. These are the paragraphs we worked on in class.



Paragraph #1
Guidelines for Writing your Introductory Paragraph

Your introductory paragraph should tell us:

• WHO you are studying
• WHY you chose that person to study
• WHAT kinds of things the readers will be learning - in general. Use your project notebook headings as a guide.

The purpose of the introductory paragraph is to give people a general idea of what they will learn in this report. The topic is like the file cabinet, the introductory paragraph is like the file drawers that hold the big ideas.
As Joseph said, “The intro paragraph is like the table of contents in a book.” That’s an excellent analogy! Like a table of contents, this is NOT the place to get into your details.

Start with a Hot Lead: find a great quote or an amazing fact... Did you know....? or.... Imagine life without.... End with a concluding sentence to lead us into your report.


Here's a sample introductory paragraph:

"Chocolate is the answer to all of the world's problems."
- Jefferson Siporin

....... Few people have ever heard of the small teddy bear who goes by the name of Jefferson Siporin. I had never heard of him until third grade. I chose to learn about him because I have always believed that chocolate brings people together, and now, I discovered a real expert in the field who might give me ideas about how to help bring more peace in the world. In my report you will learn about his childhood and family life, his beliefs, some of the activities he did to change things. You will also learn about the people who supported him and worked against him. Finally, you will learn about how our society is different now because of his efforts. By the end of this report, you will be scratching your head wondering how you've made it this far in life without every knowing about this amazing hero!






Detail Paragraph #2:

What? Why? How?
Your first DETAIL PARAGRAPH should tell:
• WHAT the problem was that your hero was trying to improve?
• WHY was it a problem for people?
• HOW (in general) did they work to solve or improve the problem?

(example) Cesar Chavez

Farmworkers worked really hard, but the landowners didn’t pay them very much because they wanted to keep the money for themselves. This was unfair because they worked so hard and they deserved better. They couldn’t buy very much food. They also didn’t live in very good homes because they were poor. The children had to work when they were little instead of going to school. Cesar Chavez went to a lot of meetings with farmworkers and organized them. They did marches and other things you will learn about in my report.





Detail Paragraph #3:

Another paragraph should tell about the friends and foes in your hero's life. Tell:

- people who supported your hero
people who opposed them (tried to stop them)
- people who influenced your hero.

Try to include 2 "friends" and 2 "foes". Remember to start with a topic sentence that tell's what this paragraph is about. Here's a sample scaffolded paragraph to get you started:

There were many different people who influenced, supported and fought against [your hero].When [my hero' was young, [someone] really inspired them by [doing something]. _____ supported [or influenced] [my person] [tell how they supported them & then tell about other supporters]. ______ fought against [your person] [tell how]. Now that I’ve finished telling you about his supporters and opponents, I’ll tell you about.....

.......There were many different creatures who helped Jefferson become the amazing teddy bear that he became. However, there have been people who have tried to stop him from spreading the joys of chocolate. Jefferson got his ideas about the power of chocolate from Howard The Magnificent Teddy Bear. Howard taught his younger teddy bears about chocolate and how to get human beings to eat more of it. Jefferson took this this lesson to heart and made it his life's work. Many stores support Jefferson's work by selling teddy bears with heart-shaped packages filled with assorted chocolates. Chocolate shop owners support Jefferson by selling solid chocolate teddy bears because people love teddy bears and chocolate. Sadly, there are those who oppose what Jefferson has been working towards. Many dentists tell young children that chocolate is bad for their teeth, and doctors often tell their patients that too much chocolate is not good for their health. If you keep up on the news, you will find out how the "Chocolate for Peace" movement is going.






Detail Paragraph #4:

One of your other paragraphs should discuss the important events - types of activities for which your person is best known. What kinds of things did they do to create a change? Tell us the details. Remember to indent; this is a new paragraph! It needs a topic sentence telling us what the gist of this paragraph will be about.

..... Jefferson Siporin has made many efforts to make the world a better place. He encouraged human beings all over the world to create different types of chocolates and sell them in special chocolate shops like Euphoria, Fenton & Lee, and Moonstruck. He started the first magazine about chocolate so people could learn about the special properties of chocolate and how people around the world used chocolate to heal all kinds of maladies. It is a little known fact that Jefferson Siporin was responsible for making chocolate a special gift given on Valentine's Day. Nowadays, chocolate is given on birthdays, holidays, and any other day when you want to cheer someone up.






Detail Paragraph #5:

Another paragraph should tell about the Lifeskills your hero used. Think of the qualities you admire about them & how life is better because of their efforts. Don't forget ... topic sentence!

  • What do you admire about your person?
  • What Lifeskills did they use that helped them? How did they use them?
  • How has your person influenced you? In what way would you like to be like them?
  • How is life or our society different now because of their efforts?
  • What if they had never been born or taken the risks they took in their life - how would life be different?

........Of all the Lifeskills Jefferson used in his lifetime, I think perseverance and sense of humor were the most important. I admire how he used his sense of humor and persevered when people said he was "just a furry little teddy bear". He never let anyone put him down. If he had let those kind of comments get to him, we probably wouldn't have such great chocolate shops today. Perhaps Valentine's Day would be as exciting as Lincoln's birthday. Jefferson has inspired me to use my sense of humor to win my opponents over so that they are more likely to help me rather than hurt me. I often let mean comments get to me and then I get stuck in my limbic system. Jefferson has shown me a way to stay free of that.





Concluding Paragraph #6:

The final paragraph will be your concluding paragraph. This will look a lot like your introductory paragraph. The purpose of it is to let your readers know that your report is ending. It should tell the readers - in brief - maybe 3 things you want us to remember about your hero. How is our society better because of their efforts? Think deeply: What is the most important thing you learned and thought about after studying your hero?Then end with a power punch sentence to leave them thinking; you might suggest something you want them to do to help support the cause of your famous person.

Here's a scaffolded framework to help you get started:

....... I have told you many things about [your person]. Three things I hope you'll remember about [him/her] are ___________, _____________, and ___________. I think the most important thing I learned was ___________ because___________. [Think of a powerful ending sentence to close your report] So the next time you _______ remember that _____________________.

..... I have told you about the little known teddy bear known as Jefferson Siporin and his efforts to make the world a better place through the spread of chocolates. We can be thankful to Jefferson for encouraging people to make different types of chocolates, for making chocolate magazines to educate people about chocolate, and we can thank him for his efforts to get people to give gifts of chocolates to friends and enemies alike. Jefferson really taught me a lot about being generous and wanting good things for others, and how one person can make a big difference! I hope you will remember Jefferson Siporin the next time you eat a piece of chocolate and will consider giving the gift of chocolate to someone you care about or to someone who just needs a little cheering up. Jefferson is indeed making the world a happier place - one truffle at a time.

