Assignment Sheet for: June 16 - 18, 2008..... Last week of school!

Julia Siporin Room B-113

Greetings Parents!

• Students will need to bring a sack in addition to their backpack on Tuesday so they can clean out their desk & cubby. All of their personal belongings - except for a pencil or pen - Ineed to go home tomorrow.

• Wednesday - the last day - School is out at 11:30. Sack lunches will be provided if kids request them on Tuesday. Please let your child know if they should order a sack lunch. We'll have lunch in the room at 11:00.

• We will have a "Moving Up" ceremony at 10:30 on Wednesday. You are welcome to join us. I have certificates to give each child. Report cards will be passed out along with any items in the Friday Envelope.

• It has been a pleasure working with your children this year; I've seen a lot of growth both academically and socially. They have become more caring people and aware citizens. Thank you for all of your support. I wish you all the best this summer! Be sure to keep your kids reading; it makes a huge difference in the Fall !
Happy trails,
Mrs. Siporin


Assignments Due This Week (Parents: Please initial on the line below when the assignment is complete)


Parent Signature ("I've read this sheet.")